Chapter 22

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Compton, California:

"Kels you in charge of the south Jodie the east don't tell nobody where we are got it? As far as they're concerned, we're in Houston." Sasha said over the phone as her fingers played with X's curls. He'd cut his hair, and his short curls made him even sexier to her, especially with his beard. They were almost to Barbados and Sasha already felt relieved. "Jru is to remain in Compton to watch over True and don't call me unless you really have to, if you had to kill somebody oh well just don't get caught and if you do don't call me."

"Alright Sasha." Both responded.

"Be safe boo I'm so happy for you, don't come back with child." Jodie said.

"This bitch always wishin pregnancy on somebody..." Kels pushed Jodie and she smacked Kels upside the head. "I'm finna beat yo-" Sasha hung up the phone those two were always fighting she was convinced they were fucking too but that was none of her business.

"Are we there yet?" Xzander asked, sitting up stretching his arms.

"Do it look like we there yet?" she asked jokingly, and he flicked her off. "Whenever you want baby."

"I ain't never been outside the country." X said, turning over on his back keeping his head in Sasha's lap.

"It's so peaceful outside the United States." She responded. "It almost makes me wanna leave, and just give up on everything and get a fresh start."

"So why don't you?" X asked her

"This is all I know. I'm comfortable I'm okay with change just not too much change. You already got me all in love and shit no need for anything extra." She joked and he sat up his lip's inches away from hers.

"I'm tellin you that's all the reason to be okay with too much change, we can leave together Sash." X said.

"You would leave too?" She asked him, she didn't mind him invading her space. Her eyes glanced down at his lips before her eyes went back to his.

"I did this because I had to if ion have to no more you damn right imma leave, imma go wherever you go Sash."

"I'll think about it." She responded; she placed a soft peck on his lips. For the first time in a while Xzander felt no need to act like he didn't care or to force his emotions out. He had trained himself to do this so well he had forgotten how good it felt to love somebody other than himself.   

"We gone be different people on this vacation Sash. We gone try to talk about feelings and shit, you know? We gotta learn how to be healthy for each other well at least I wanna try, the life we live already fucked up we don't need to be fucked up too."

"Of course, Xzander why do you think I wanted to leave? I've done some fucked up shit to people so I have a lot of enemies we would never get a peaceful relationship even if we tried. I could never open up to you with so much shit goin on around us."

"Alright so we gone stay gone as long as we need to, when we leave here, I want us closer I wanna trust each other, I wanna know everything about you even the fucked up shit."

"You will, I promise. This place I got for us is literally isolated just us for a while baby boy."

"Now before this Jet lands imma need you to ride my dick." He said, making her laugh.

"You lucky your pull-out game is amazing."

Sasha unlocked the door to her hidden home in Barbados, she opened the door walking in turning the light on. "Damn..." X mumbled looking around. As he carried their suitcases in, he kicked the door closed behind him. It was a small place, instead of a wall being in the back, there were huge glass doors that took place instead. It led out onto a dock that had a few motorboats, and her yatch.

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