Chapter 17

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Compton, California:

Sasha got out of the car barely even stopping before she threw the car in park. "Where is he?" Sasha asked as West tried to talk to her she made her way around him.

"Sash!" West shouted after her as she walked onto Gia's porch there was a large pool of blood on the porch. Her heart dropped and she felt like she couldn't breathe all over again like that day he almost left her. "Sasha y-"

"Bitch." Sasha said the moment Gia came out onto the porch. Gia ran off the porch before Sasha could grab her up.

"I didn't have anything to do with this!" Gia shouted.

"Sasha calm down." West said stepping in front of his sister.

"Calm down? The love of my life is missing and he's bleeding the fuck out, you calm the fuck down." She gritted pushing him. Kels pulled up getting out of her car, "Find him now Kels!" Sasha shouted and Kels knew not to waste time.

She had worked for Sasha for a long time, and she knew when to try and talk to her and when to just get right to what she says do. Kels was like Sasha's guardian angel, when Sasha wasn't watching her own back Kels was. Nobody knew but people from their past, Kels stayed in the shadows and popped out if anybody attempted to hurt Sasha.

"I don't see anything or any fuckin body." True said coming from around back with Cruise close behind her.

Sasha couldn't grasp her surroundings; everything was spinning, and she was trying to keep her head in the game for Xzander, but she just couldn't stop worrying and panicking about what had she done. "Sasha." Cash said, bringing her back into reality. "What you want us to do?"

"West kill him." Sasha said pointing at Cruise. "And that bitch." She said pointing her finger at Gia.


"I don't want to hear reasoning; I don't care about no plan or anything else both of them dead now or you dead to me." She said to West heartlessly, "Now!"

And West sighed pointing his gun at Cruise, "True come here baby." West said and she moved from next to Cruise and stood behind West.

"I'm the reason y'all know and y'all really gone kill me?" Cruise asked in disbelief.

"When I find Jessie, I'm gone rip her spinal cord from her back she gone be joining y'all in hell real fuckin soon." Sasha waved him off and West immediately pulled the trigger sending 3 shots through his head. He then aimed his gun at Gia.

"Okay look Sasha there's something else you should know, I'm not in on this alone it's me and Ty-" Gia was shot twice in the throat, but West didn't pull the trigger they all looked up at Tyrone getting out of his car with his gun out in front of him.

"Fuck goin on?" He asked slamming his car door after shooting Gia, she almost outed him he couldn't have that.

"Put both of them in my trunk Cash." Sasha ordered not even acknowledging Tyrone's presence. Sasha pulled her phone out and scrolled through her contact until she stopped at Jru's' contact.

Once she hit the call button, she placed her phone on speaker. "Wassup boss?" He said.

"Everybody down here now." Sasha spoke vaguely.

"Like right now? We-"

"Now Jru." Sasha said spitefully and he could hear the bitterness in her voice.

"Yes, ma'am I'll gather everybody we on the way." Jru responded immediately.

"West go get Saint ass and bring him to me." Sasha ordered.

Wicked III: The Story Of Sasha & X (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now