Saturday part 2

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I open the door and see my brother Steven standing there. I let him in and give him a hug. Hey bro you are always the first one here. Were is the dogs? In the car. Well bring them in but hold on. Hey guys the dogs are in the car go use hide and I'll get them to find you. Ok mummy. Hi uncle Steven  hello guys. Jackson runs up stairs and lilly runs Into the kitchen. Rite Steven go get the pups. I turn to Noah wait until you see this. In runs the dogs Ralph and milo and straight to me I get down on my knees. Hi guys I missed you. The dogs are really excited tails wagging jumping up and down. I calm them down and tell them. Ralph milo go find Jackson and Lilly. They start sniffing about and go into the kitchen I hear Lilly laugh and the three of them come back into the living room. Mummy they found me. They sure did they always find use don't they. Rite go find Jackson guys. They run up stairs and I hear banging next thing they all come back down again. Did they find you to Jackson? Yea they always do. So steven this is noah. Noah this is my little brother steven. I see Noah put the hand out and steven shakes it.

N- nice to meet you

S- likewise.

It goes quiet for a bit then I hear the door again. Ok that will be my other brothers I'll get it. I go open the door and standing there is Gareth and Robert. Hey guys come in. You no you don't have to knock. We no but its nice. I give them both a hug and we go into the living room. Ok guys this is Noah. Noah these are my big brothers gareth and Robert. They all shake hands and say nice to meet use. Then Gareth speaks. So what is it you want to tell us. Ok go sit in the kitchen I'll tell the kids to go out back and play with the dogs and I'll be in in a sec. Jackson Lilly? Yea? Will use take the dogs out back and play catch for a little while I got to talk to your uncles for a minute  Ok mum. Thank you. I go into the kitchen and flick on the kettle so who's for tea or coffee? Yes thanks the usually. Ok no prob. I make the tea and coffee and go sit down. Hey Noah you can come in here it's ok. No I think you need to speak to your brothers I'll be in here if you need me. Ok I turn to my brothers and take a deep breath 

R- Ok what is going on what happened?

Ok let me finish what I have to tell you before you speak as I wont beable to finish if use interrupt ok. They all nod. Ok. Well Leo isn't in jail for just hitting me. Hes there because he do I tell you this? He well he raped me. I look up from the table and I see their faces drop. Gareth pipes up. HE DID WHAT?. hey the kids are outside they will hear you.

S- what the hell when are you serious?

E- do you think I would joke about shit like this?

R- when?

E- the night I finally left him.

R- Can you tell us what happened?

I look down at my cup again and them back up to my brothers.

E- well he was drunk as usually I went to bed as I didn't want to listen to him or worse get hit so I went to bed. I was in bed a while then he came up and tried waking me I told him to go away I didn't want him near me he lost it then he ripped my pants off I tried to push him off I tried.

I started crying then. So I took deep breaths and started talking again.

It didn't work he held me down i told him no but it was too late he raped me but not just the front the back to. I was covered in blood and in so much pain when he finally stopped I just lay there until he fell asleep. Then I got up threw on trousers got the kids dropped them off at frances house and went to the hospital.

G- who went to the hospital with you?

E- no1 I didn't tell anyone what had happened to me until the next day when I rang Sarah I didn't get to the hospital till near 4 in the morning so I didn't want to wake anyone.

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