Chapter 2 ~ The Warmth of Revenge

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The next day, I woke up feeling happy and a smile on my face. I looked around a bit surprised and sighed at all the memories flashing back, some painful while others warmed my heart. I got up and put on a silky robe and went to the kitchen. I saw Erik making breakfast and I smiled. He looked so concentrated so I walked up behind him and put his arms around me. I then started singing. He tensed up a bit, then smiled when he heard my voice. I let go of him so he could turn around and give me a proper embrace. He kissed the top of my head softly.

"Good morning my angel."
He said softly with his velvity voice.

"Good morning my angel of music."
I replyed back and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Now that I am forever safe with you. Yes I am."
We gazed into one another's eyes till we both smelt something burning. Erik turned around and quickly rescued our pancakes and eggs. It was a bit browner than usual, but it still looked good.

"Damn it! I'm so sorry Christine."

"It's alright Erik."
I giggled.
"It looks good! Lets eat!"
I smiled and he lead me to the table as we sat down for breakfast. We talked about our lives and such since we parted that night.... I made Erik give into giving me a singing lesson.

Once I got dressed we sang together. My voice was a bit rusty and all, but Erik seemed pleased. After awhile we sat in the fireplace reading and I pulled Erik into a passionate kiss. I then pulled away giggle and I heard him laughing too.

"Oh Erik how I've missed you so much!" I smiled and sighed. "If I could turn back time..." He gently grabbed both of my hands in his.

"All that matters now is that we're together." I smiled and blushed as we gently kissed for a long time. I heard chains rattling in a distance and I broke apart remebering we have someone else. Erik seemed to read my thoughts. "What do you want to do with him. We can't ignore him forever." I nodded and looked out at the lake. I them got an idea.

"Erik? How dirty do you think that water is?" He followed my gaze and smirked. He knew what I was up too. Getting up he walked to grab a crystal goblet and handed it to me.

"I believe it should be done by you. You have more of a vendetta on him than I do."

"Alright, you do too now. Why don't we let him know we haven't forgotten about him?" He nodded and helped me up. I needed a bit more help getting up because of my injuries. He wrapped his arm around my waist gently as we went to the torture chamber. I watched as Raoul jumped like a stray cat at the sight of us.

"Hello Monsieur Vicomte." I smiled proudly and watched as Raoul's face grew red as a tomato. Madder than ever and all I could do is laugh.
"Are you thirsty Monsieur?"
Raoul looked at me with the goblet in hand. In his eyes their was hope. Oh poor naive Raoul. He then looked at me in the eyes and I glared at him all the hate I could muster at this time. Probably because I'll be more mad later.

"Christine should we give him something to drink?"
Erik asked me snapping me out of my glare. I smiled back at him as I noticed his evil smirk. I loved this feeling.
"Christine, go fetch him water from the lake, please."

"Of course, Erik."
I nodded and gave a look at Raoul saying 'See? This is how asking is supposed to be. Polite and like a gentleman.' Quickly I ran to the lake and went to were the water looked the most disgusting. That would be, more dirty and foul. I gently dipped the goblet in hopefully it wouldn't get on my hands. I then hurried back to the room where I could tell Erik was having fun with this. Raoul looked shocked and utterly disgusted at what I was holding.

"Christine, why are you doing this? Please, I can change."
Oh really?! I was screaming on the inside. Wait! why am I keeping this contained?
"I can stop I can-"

"Oh, now when I am in control you can change? I thought if I didn't like the man you were I was to deal with it. I am dealing with it Raoul!"
I screamed in his face and watched as his eyes flashed pain. Good. But that's only a taste Raoul....only a taste.

"Christine! He's changed you! He's turning you into something you're not!"
I shook my head and stated calmly

"You changed me Raoul...."
All the the hate....all the betrayel My eyes glazed over in tears.

"Christine, why don't you give our guest a little drink hmmm?"
I looked back at him and smiled. He refuled my fire and makes me stronger. He smiled then turned his attention back to Raoul.

"Remember Monsieur Vicomte, it's this"
I smirked and held up the goblet. "Or you go thirsty, your choice."
I smiled proudly at his lose, lose options. Raoul raised his chin signaling towards the goblet. I walked up and he opened his mouth. So eager....big mistake. I poured it down his throat and almost made him choke on the goblet! He tried spitting it out but I made him force it dow his throat. Once I was finished I stepped back and watched him hack it all over himself. Me and Erik both laught at his beginning, misfortunes.

"Remeber this or-"
Erik started.

"Nothing I understand."
Raoul interupted. I was about to go and slap him for that when Erik held me back and smiled. I realized I had more in the cup so I walked back over and gave him some more. I let him finish, glaring at him the entire time.

"Christine. w-why are you doing this?"
He sounded a bit pathetic, whispering like that. He had gone past the point of no return.....and not like Erik and I.

"Why had you treated me the way you did?"
I turned back before I could let it all out.

"I will never forgive you for this!" He screamed at me making my anger flare as his chains rattled. Raoul pulled against it. I turned around and looked straight into his eyes.

"I will never forgive you for treating me as if I were nothing."
I said deathly to him. I wrapped my arms around Erik and let it out for a second. He lited my head up and brought his lips to mine. I kissed back with all my love and the world seemed to dissappear. I could barley hear Raoul faintly screaming in the background. I smiled at him as he pulled me away from Raoul and lead me back into the safer part of his home.

"I believe you have had enough of him for one day."
I turned to him and nodded.

"Thank you for rescuing me from my suffering."
He held me close and lifted me in his arms making me gasp and giggle. Later that night I was having trouble falling asleep. Erik noticed and walked into my bedroom and knelt by my side.

"Something troubling you angel? I mean besides the vermin in this house."

"I can't seem to sleep."
I smiled and grabbed his hand and rubbed it against my cheek.
"Will you sing for me please?"
he nodded and was about to sing when I motioned him to climb in next to me. He looked a bit unsure and I realized that he still thought I was married to Raoul. Oops I forgot something.

"Erik When Raoul was drunk one night I conviced him to sign some divorce papers. It worked but he still though we were married afterwords. I had to stay otherwise he would hurt other people and get into bar fights. I thought I could still change him.... But he's no longer the boy I used to know. He's different now.... Our marriage was long over when he first decided to go to the bar and when he first abused me."
I felt a few tears fall and Erik wiped them away.

"Shh. That's all in the past now."
I smiled and took of the ring.

"In three day's, if he hasn't gotten into his head that I'm no longer his, then I'll torture him with it." Erik nodded and kissed me. Then he sang to me our special song. The one he sang to me when I first came here. I gazed into Erik's eyes and listned to him sing until I was drifting to sleep in his embrace.

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