The Reply Letter

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Hurt, worry and disappointment stood on Zak's face as he watched George beat me before his very eyes, knowing he couldn't do anything to help me, even though he desperately tried to help, leading to a death threat from Sullivan as he held a pistol to Zak's neck as George got pleasure from causing pain to my body.

-"Put that on your tombstone." George replied from Zak's promise as threw me over the hindquarters of his horse before mounting.

-"Zak!" I cried as I tried to jump down from his tall steed, being stopped by George's wide hands before he pulled a pistol from his holster and pointing it on my temple, "Now Elizabeth, if you cry out to this man one more time, your brains are gonna be scattered 'round this place!" George threatened before I quickly sealed my mouth with my lips and letting my water-filled eyes trail to Zak's.

He didn't know how he was going to rescue me this time, but if it meant life or death, he would take that risk any day.

-"Can we make a deal?" Nick dared to ask as the three men surrounded them on mighty steeds.

-"Shut up." Zak mouthed as he elbowed Nick in the arm.

-"No. There's no deal to be made. You had your time with her, now it's our turn." George snickered as Zak tried to run towards him.

-"No it's not!" Zak yelled as George shot the ground in front of Zak's feet, halting him from any further action.

-"George, leave it be. We gotta go." Sullivan said as he moved his horse closer to his as Sullivan saw anger in George's eyes.

-"If-If you follow us, we'll kill her and blame you for the murder." George stuttered in an angered tone. Zak knew not to respond and spew another argument over my safety. Either way, I wasn't getting out of this at all, unless Zak had a magical power to make these three men instantly disappear..


Zak blamed himself for leaving Elizabeth in the nearby town a couple of days ago. His gut was always right - he knew something was wrong, but didn't think about it possibly be involving Elizabeth. He was going to kill these three men once he got the chance, but one at a time, giving them a slow and very painful death. In truth, Sullivan was terrified of Zak and Nick, also Aaron. But Sullivan's fright subsided after he had found out Aaron had died in battle recently, hearing by one of his spies who were fighting for the Confederates. Little did Zak and Nick know, they've been watching the entire time by Sullivan's gang of spies. All that he and his gang wanted was Elizabeth, nothing more.


Zak's heart broke as Elizabeth was taken hostage by George, knowing that he could get killed on the spot for trying to save her.

-'This is gonna be a game of cat and mouse' Nick thought to himself as he studied Zak's killer appearance. He had known Zak long enough to know when Zak was angry enough to kill somebody, let alone when he was in love - a rare sight on Nick's part.

-"Goddammit!" Zak exclaimed as he watched the three men ride off with his beloved.

-"Zak! Calm down!" Nick assured.


-"I can't fucking calm down! Do you really think I can be calm after all of that shit?!" Zak questioned with anger in his now dark eyes.

-"No. But we can easily get her back." Nick said. As Nick assured Zak that they were going to find her, he thought of their three man gang that they were once in. As Elizabeth called it, the Long Cloaked Riders. But he also thought about all of the men that they had connections with, most of them spies.


-"Let's track down Matt and Keith." Nick said as he helped Zak to his feet. Matt and Keith were two of the best known spies known to Zak and Nick. They never missed their mark. In their past, they were Pinkerton Detectives. Zak felt relief as he thought about the two men, but had disappointment as he didn't know how to contact them.

-"I'll send them a letter when we get back to camp. We'll find her." Nick assured as he assisted his friend. He had never seen Zak in love like this before, not where he would risk his own life to save her. He knew he was crazy about Elizabeth and obsessed over her safety.

-"Alright." Zak breathed as he unbuttoned his coat to cool himself off from the heavy wool.

As Zak and Nick made the long trek back to camp, all Zak could think about was Elizabeth and what could possibly be going on at the moment. It killed him to think that they were doing the worst to her. He cringed at the thought.

-"Where were you?" Sergeant Collins demanded as he stomped towards Zak and Nick.

-"We chased off a trespasser." Nick stated as Sergeant Collins' anger subsided into understanding.

-"Next time, just kill him instead of running him off." Zak and Nick both nodded in response. I wish I would've killed the bastard Zak thought to himself as he was planning to kill the three men.

Nightfall came over the woods and the camp. Nick and Zak sat by the fire as Zak watched Nick effortlessly write a letter to Matt and Keith, using his sharpened lead and using his saddlebag as the hard surface to write on:


To my fellow companions Matt and Keith James,

Zak and I have a request that involves your skills in navigating and tracking. Zak's beloved, Elizabeth Reed, has been taken by three men. I managed to catch the names George and Sullivan. We don't know where they're taking her. But please, respond back as soon as possible! It's urgent and it's a matter of life and death.


Sincerely, with regards from the battlefield,

Nick Groff and Zachary Bagans


"Done." Nick said as he set the softened lead on the soil beside him as he blew the residue of the lead from the paper.

-"That's a fine piece of writing." Zak admitted as he wished he had Nick's educated writing.

-"It just takes practice," Nick laughed, "We'll ride into town early tomorrow mornin' and mail it to them. They should get it within two or three days." Nick explained.

-"I just hope we'll have enough time.." Zak sighed.

-"Zak, we'll find her! You know Matt and Keith! They NEVER miss their mark when they're hunting someone! Sure, it may take time, but they always find their target." Nick smiled comfortingly.

-"But we don't have time, Nick!" Zak argued.

"Just relax." Nick sighed.

"So, the hunt begins?"

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