Chapter 30

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10 miles from territory border: Volcanic Plains Territory: Guardian Temple Entrance: Mid Winter

The battle was ferocious. One side fighting to kill the other, the other intending to keep Garmr's followers from entering the volcano. And so far they were winning. All of the wolves were skilled fighters, even the youngest, Nevada, who had teamed up with Silver sometime during the fight. Silver was somewhat surprised when she didn't have to keep a continuous eye on the yearling, and the two were making a formidable team.

The invading group had lost two of their companions, both members of Rain's pack and both were quickly avenged as Rain and her surviving pack member tore out the throats of two of Garmr's pack mates. And with Rain, her pack mate, Nevada and Silver skills combined, they kept much of the Volcanic Plains Pack away from the larger fight.

Fang versus Smoke. Fang was a skilled fighter, plus having upper canines twice the size of the average wolf helped deliver more powerful attacks. But Smoke was no pup and he specialised in fighting dirty.

Smoke whacked volcanic ash directly into the eyes of Fang. The tiny rocks blinded the former alpha and each time he rubbed his eyes, the pain increased. The beta took the chance and clamped his jaws behind the cheekbones of his opponent, teeth breaking the soft flesh of the neck. He tried to push Fang over, but Fang intended to keep his paws underneath him. The Southern Forest wolf was no pushover, he had made that clear many times. Smoke did not give up easily and slammed his paw into Fang's. Fang growled in pain and lifted his paw.

Smoke used as much power as he could and pushed Fang over. Fang managed to tear a small chunk from the brown and grey wolf's ear as he went down, but the wound would not help him. Fang was in trouble and there was no one else on the battlefield who could help him.

Garmr and Darkness were locked in battle. Darkness was no easy wolf to fight, he knew how to fight by the rules and fight dirty, which was leaving it very difficult for Garmr to win. The Volcanic Plains alpha had only two advantages: his size and Darkness' scarred hind leg. Darkness knew all too well that his scarred leg was a disadvantage in battle. So in theory, all he had to do was keep that leg away from Garmr's jaws. Much easier said than done.

Garmr charged Darkness, fangs bared. Fearsome looking, but a bluff. Garmr wanted the brick stone grey wolf to turn enough that he could grab the leg. But Darkness was not fooled. He was the son of Shadow, the most feared wolf in these lands. And though it was not a name he was proud, it did help remind opponents who they were facing.

Garmr's attack had been false, but Darkness never bluffed in battle. Jaws wide open, he launched at the older wolf and clamped his jaws on Garmr's muzzle, nearly making the alpha bite off his own tongue.

Garmr was not like a crocodile and was quick to reopen his jaws and use all four muscled legs to shove Darkness away. Darkness stumbled back and his scarred leg gave way.

Garmr smirked, this was the opening he had waited for and he rushed forward. But he was stopped.

By the yelping of his pack mates. Some were on fire for a moment and ash the next. The others were being torn apart by the dead.

What was happening to Garmr's pack?

A vine wrapped around Smoke's neck and started to strangle him. The moment the beta let go of Fang, another vine impaled Smoke, piercing his heart and killed him in an instant.

What was going on?

Garmr's question was answered as the seven canines who had entered the temple stepped out of it, no gems around their necks and seven winged beasts flew out of through the entrance. The alpha widened his dark, golden eye. They had succeeded. The Guardians were back and they were destroying his pack. And it was only a moment before the alpha of the Volcanic Plains Pack was dealt the same fate as his son.

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