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Sherlock was walking Redbeard again. As he was passing John's house, he heard John yelling his name.

"Sherlock! Sherlock!" John yelled, running, well, more hobbling to Sherlock.

"Yes?" Sherlock turned around.

"How'd you—How'd you know my number?" John asked.

"Your eyes, and your fingers," Sherlock shrugged. "They're well trained to those specific numbers in that order."

"Right," John nodded.

"What happened to your leg?" Sherlock asked.

"Oh I thought you knew," John laughed. Sherlock did not laugh back.

"No, I don't know," Sherlock shook his head.

"Well, I uh...there was a crazy guy who I used to be neighbors with, he had a gun, and one night he broke into our house and tried to shoot me," John explained, "He got my leg. It's the reason why we moved here."

That wasn't why they moved there. It was partially why, but surely, they would have stayed in that neighborhood if John's dad hadn't gotten kicked out of all the bars and pubs.

"Are you planning on going to my school after winter break?" Sherlock asked. "You are, right?"

"Yeah," John nodded.

"Would you like to walk Redbeard with me?" Sherlock asked.

"Uh, sure," John smiled, "Let me just check with my mum and stepdad."

John went into his house for about thirteen seconds. When he came out, he was smiling.

"Yeah," John grinned.

They'd continued walking. Just another block and they'd turn around, to go to Sherlock's house.

"Are you allowed to go to my place for a while?" Sherlock asked.

"Yeah," John nodded. No, technically he wasn't. In fact, George had specified that John couldn't go to Sherlock's home, but John could just say he walked for a long time. "So tell me about school, what's it like?"

"Pretty much just like every other school," Sherlock shrugged. "Boring classes. Lots of essays. Annoying students. Crushes. Etcetera etcetera."

"Do you have a crush?" John asked. "You don't seem like that sort of person."

"No, but I do know people who have crushes on me," Sherlock replied. "There's a girl named Molly Hooper. She's in my Medicine and Health class."

"Medicine and Health?" John asked. "My schools never had Medicine and Health classes."

"Yeah, well, this school does," Sherlock said.

"Are there nice girls?" John asked.

"Why?" Sherlock asked.

"My stepdad and everybody wants me to get a girlfriend," John explained, "I think it's even more important now because my sister just came out as gay and they want at least one child who's straight."

"Oh, well, the girls are nice I suppose," Sherlock shrugged, "Molly's nice. But you don't have a chance with her, she likes me to much. And there's...Irene. Irene Adler. She's kind of odd though. I think she's gay actually."

"Is there anybody I have a chance with?" John asked.

"Oh yeah, well there's Sally," Sherlock said, "But she's an ass."

John laughed at this.

"Are you...straight?" Sherlock asked.

John huffed. "Yeah. I mean...no. It's complicated."

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