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In case you were wondering, John did indeed consider breaking up with Mary. He was still considering it, in fact, the next day at lunch.

"John," Sherlock said, waving a hand in front of his friend's face, "I'm the only one here who can zone out, snap out of it."

John looked Sherlock in the eye, "Sorry, I just..."

Mary walked over with her lunch, "Hello."

Sherlock nodded as a greeting. John muttered a "hi."

Sherlock got up, "I'm going to the library."

"Really? You haven't even finished your lunch," Mary said.

"Lunch," Sherlock made a face. He turned to the library with that final statement.

Mary and John talked for a while. They didn't talk about much interesting, just dumb stuff like if cats ruled the world or if rulers did anything other than measure.

In a particularly quiet pause John said, "Mary, Sherlock asked me out."

Mary nodded, "Okay...."

"But your my girlfriend!" John said, "How do you not see the issue with this?!"

Mary snorted, "You think I'm your girlfriend? Oh John, that's cute, but  no, I'm not your girlfriend."

"Your not?" John asked.

"Please," Mary laughed, "I'd go out with you if you asked, but we're not dating. Also, clearly you and Sherlock have a thing."

"Is it that obvious?" John said.

"Yes! You two are...like, made for each other or something. You're just straight up in love!" Mary exclaimed.

"You really think so?"

"Totally," Mary said, "I'm team Johnlock."

"Johnlock?" John said.

"John," Mary said holding one hand up, "Sherlock," she held the other hand up. She clapped the two together, "Johnlock."

"I don't know if I'm a fan of that," John shook his head.

"C'mon, it's cute. It's like your couple's name," Mary smiled.

"But we're not a couple," John said.

"Not for long," Mary said, tugging on John's sleeve, "We're going to the library!"

Winter Breaks (Johnlock/Teenlock)Where stories live. Discover now