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"Harry! I have a plan! A superb plan! A superb plan to let me go with Sherlock to the dance without mum or dad knowing!" John said into the phone.

"What?" Harry asked. "Like, seriously, what?"

John glanced at Mary frantically pointing to herself, "Alright, fine, it was Mary's superb plan. The point is--"

"Wow," Harry said in sarcastic astonishment, "there's a point? Boy, John, I wouldn't have ever thought that there was a point you were trying to make with a statement."

"Haha," John said, sarcastically, "You're very funny. Anyways, the point is, there is a plan, and you need to be involved in it."

"Why?" Harry asked.

John's eyes darted around as he thought, "Kinda no reason, actually. But kinda a reason. Half a reason. No, an entire reason. There's a reason. I'll explain. I...uh...Just, just you come here."

"Where are you?" Harry asked, "I was meant to pick you up."

John then went on to explain he was at Mary's place, and gave Harry her address.

In five minutes, Harry was knocking on the door.

Mary's dad answered the door. "Who're you?"

"I'm Mary's friend," Harry explained, "Er...more like Mary's friend's sister. Anyways, I was told to talk to John and Mary and Sherlock."

"Oh! You're with those kids," Mary's apparently unnamed dad answered, "Mary's room is down the hall to the left."

"Thanks," Harry nodded and walked over to Mary's room.

"Hey, Harry!" John waved as Harry opened the door.

"You're oddly happy, John," Harry said, "Happy's weird on you. No offense, but I don't think I like it."

"That's what Mary said," John said.

Mary nodded in agreement.

"So, what's your plan?" Harry asked, sitting down in Mary's beanbag.

John pulled out a paper from a folder, "Here's the plan: on the night of the dance Mary will pretend to be my date. She's even got a dress to pretend to wear to our 'date'."

"Actually the dress is for my real date," Mary butted in.

"Yeah," John nodded, and continued, "So she pretends to be my date. Remember, dad already said that you, Harry, would drive me and you to the dance, so, after Mary and I are done pretending to be each other's dates, you drive me to Sherlock's place where I can be his real date. After that, you will be Sherlock's ride as well as mine and Mary's, we'll stop to pick up Mary's date and yours, and finally reach our destination: school. We do all the dancing and romance crap, yada yada, until the dance is over. At that point you drive us home. We go exactly the way we went before,"

John pulled out a map of the streets. He took a pencil and started tracing their path.

"We first drop your date off. Then we'll drop off Mary's. After that we drop Sherlock off, me with him or not. After that we go back home, at home Mary pretends to have been my date, but also explains that we aren't actually dating. And then, you explain that you need to drop Mary off at her place, which you will. We drop Mary off, possibly bring me to visit Sherlock again, and go back home."

"That seems really complicated," Harry said, "In a sense that it doesn't need to be so complicated. What if,"

Harry snatched the pencil from John, and traced her own path.

"We go this way? If we go around we can more smoothly drop each person off as our house being the last destination," Harry explained.

Sherlock choked on an apple slice he was eating.

"You alright?" John asked.

"Yeah, it's just that I came up with the path. Not the plan, which was Mary's doing, but the path," Sherlock explained, "And I've never seen anyone be smarter than me."

"Well, there's a first for everything," Harry smiled, neatly setting the pencil down.

Sherlock found Harry very annoying at this moment. He'd been okay with her for a while, but now she was acting like Mycroft, whom, at the very very least only mildly hated, but really whom he hated.

"Has anyone told you you act like a smart-ass? Or like my brother. Or both," Sherlock said.

"No, but I have a feeling people have told you that you act like a smart-ass," responded Harry.

"Alright, you two. Tone it down. We get it, you hate each other," John said, "Can we all just calm down. I love both of you. In two different ways. You guys should get along."

"But we don't," Sherlock and Harry said in unison, which they hated. Talking in unison is such a two people getting along sort of thing.

"Alright, the dance is Monday night," Mary said, trying to change the subject. "Which means Operation Johnlock is underway on Monday night."

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