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a/n 20th chapter! As you can see we're reaching the end of this fic and I have no idea how to end it but we'll see how things work out

Was this happening? No, it was. It was. It so was.

They had finished the first half of their plan.

And now they were at the dance. Now they were all together at the dance.

Neither John nor Harry had ever felt so alive.

Sherlock was indifferent.

And Mary was somewhere in between.

Harry's date and Mary's date were both thoroughly confused on as to why they were just standing around and not doing dance things.

Finally, after three minutes of standing around, Mary grabbed John and Sherlock by the hands and pulled them on to the "dance floor" (really, it was just an area designated by tape full of a bunch of kids dancing and yelling at each other). And now John and Sherlock were confused. Mary was bouncing on her heels and repeatedly tapping the two on their arms.

"Mary what do you want?" John asked.

Mary rolled her eyes and shoved the two together, accidentally (well, not really at all accidentally) making them kiss.

Sherlock quickly adapted to the fact that he'd just been forced into kissing John (not that he was complaining) while John took a second before also adapting to it.

After, well, kissing Sherlock, John turned to Mary and said, "Seriously Mary?! Okay, a, thanks, but also b, that's not okay."

Sherlock watched as John lectured Mary on why you don't shove best friends together and how that's totally not okay. Sherlock, yet again was indifferent.

"John," Sherlock piped up, "You know, it doesn't matter, right?"

"I....wh...what?" John asked, "It's a violation of consent."

"That is problematic, I suppose. But by that logic I was about to violate consent before Mary did it for me," Sherlock said.

"Are you saying you were going to kiss me?" John asked.

"Well, yes. I feel that's a sort of odd way of putting it. Sounds rather immature to me, but yes, I was planning of kissing you," Sherlock nodded.

"Oh," John said, "Well if you wanted to try again, seen as Mary kinda spoiled that for y--"

I feel the need to explain that this time, although catching John by surprise, was in legal terms not at all a violation of consent, because John had technically given verbal consent even if the consent was cut off by what he was consenting to. So in revaluation, Sherlock was probably only half breaking laws of consent (idk man I'm not a lawyer).

In other words, Sherlock kissed John.

You'd expect that this experience with Mary forcing John and Sherlock into each other's arms only happened in that night once and after that they were fairly comfortable with showing affection to each other at the dance, but this was not the case.

They were experiencing, as many very smart people would put it "technically-being-together-and-loving-each-other-very-much-but-still-being-kinda-awkward". Situations like this one repeated itself about three times before the end of the night. John would have felt he was in an episode of the Twilight Zone with that same thing repeating over and over, but then he realized that this probably wouldn't be an episode of the Twilight Zone because it included a homosexual pairing and the Twilight Zone is from the sixties. So luckily John realized this soon enough to not get a panic attack.

Mary, John, and Sherlock were going through the whole consent thing for the third time when they were interrupted by Harry saying, "Oh shit."

"What?" John asked, slightly panicking.

John turned to Sherlock just in time for Sherlock to say, "We've got to go."

"What? Why?" John asked, being pulled by the hand out the room, "What's going on?"

"We lost track of time," Harry said. "We need to get everybody back home before we get caught or something."

"Or something? Honestly, Harry, we're not five, just say 'or some shit'," Mary said, trying to lighten the mood but also internally freaking out.

They hurried into the car and Harry started driving as quickly as possible.

"Harry don't panic we're not going to die," Harry's date, who I still won't bother to name, said.

"Yes! We are! I mean, not literally. Figuratively. But we're gonna die either way," Harry said.

John was hyperventilating and muttering 'crap' repeatedly as Sherlock tried to calm him down.

Mary and Jay sat in the back watching the whole scene unfold, feeling sympathetic, but not being very sure of what to do because neither of their parents had actually taught them how to actually function as being the socially dependent creatures that they biologically were, and thus making Mary and Jay decent human beings in normal social interaction, but making it very difficult for them to know what to do in rare situations like these ones.

Sherlock looked out the window, "Wait, you were meant to turn right. We're going off our plan."

"I know we are but we need to compromise with the lower amount of time we suddenly have," Harry said, not taking her eyes off the road. "Sherlock, you're getting dropped off first."


"We had to compromise," Harry repeated, "I'm sorry."

Even though they had been totally freaking out and driving far to fast, they still didn't get away with their plan.

It was obvious that they didn't get away with their plan. Mainly because their parents, as in, all of their parents (and Mycroft and Greg because they'd become interested), were standing in front of Sherlock's home.

They were so screwed.

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