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John set his phone down once he realized that Sherlock probably was gone and doing something most teenagers do. John tended to think he wasn't most teenagers. He spent his time writing his blog and trying to make friends. He had a dysfunctional family. And he was dirt broke, his dad had gotten him a laptop for John, assuming John would want a laptop when he got older (John's father, his real father, liked to think ahead of time. That was partially why John's clothes were all from the early 2000s). His phone was a hand-me-down from Harry.

He sprawled across his bed. At the moment, his bed was an air mattress with a Star Wars quilt as a blanket and a small pillow with floral design on it.

After the first three moves John had gotten rid of most of his furniture seen as it felt like to much of a hassle to move so much furniture every time. So John's bedroom consisted of a "bed", an incredible hulk poster, his lamp— missing the lamp shade, a framed photo of John's family before his dad died, and a fold up chair.

John glanced around. At least this bedroom had a closet for his clothes. And a window for natural light. John got up and started filling the empty closet.

"John?" Harry said, leaning into John's room.

"Yeah?" John asked.

"Dad wants to talk to you," Harry nodded in the general direction of John's stepdad.

"Okay, tell him I'll be there in a sec," John shrugged.

"No, he wants to talk to you now," Harry said.

"Fine," John rolled his eyes.

John ran through the house loudly to get to the living room, where his stepdad was eating crisps.

"George," John nodded.

"You call me 'dad'," George/dad/stepdad said. "Because I am one."

John shook his head. "But your not my dad. Your my stepdad. Named George."

"Listen hear you little—" George started.

John's mum walked in, "George give John a break, he is just moving for the fifth time."

George growled as he backed away from John.

"Have you had to much to drink?" John asked, "Again."

"I am going to kill you!" George yelled. He started chasing John through the small house until John got to his room and locked the door.

John shook as he hid in the closet. John had experience hiding in the closet. He knew where to hide without being noticed. He knew which comic books to bring with him into the closet to not get bored. He knew how to be super quiet so no one will notice him.

Three hours later John started to get out of the closet. But then he heard more yelling.

"You're gay?!" George yelled.

Oh no. Harry had come out.

Then there wasn't any noise from where John was, meaning people where talking.

"No! You disgusting abomination!" George yelled again.

Harry screamed as she ran to her room.

John heard a loud bang and then the noise of wood clattering on the ground. George kicking down Harry's door. Stomping. Screaming. Crying. Finally John heard George stomp away from Harry's room.

John cowered in the closet.

At least this bedroom had a closet.

Winter Breaks (Johnlock/Teenlock)Where stories live. Discover now