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John opened the leather bound notebook that Sherlock had gotten him. John pulled the ballpoint pen that Harry had gotten him for Christmas out and scribbled on the inside cover.

Property of John H. Watson

He hesitated and added.

What the H. stands for is none of your business.


He flipped to the first page and wrote the date.


And he wrote everything else.

My name is John Watson. When I'm older I plan to be Dr. John Watson. I'm fifteen years old. I'm writing this because of multiple reasons. Back when my sister, Harry, hit puberty, our mum had her read a book called Are You There God? It's Me Margaret. Harry told me about how in the book, the girls keep a boy book or a crush book, I can't remember, where they wrote about their crushes. And I have a crush that you, yes you, can never tell anybody about. This crush is on my new friend, dare I say best friend, Sherlock Holmes. So I'm keeping a book to keep track of my crush. This book was actually given to me by Sherlock.

Yesterday Sherlock said no one could love him because nobody could love him for his personality. I beg to differ.

John flipped the note book closed. He thought about adding the entries to his blog, but the blog was public, and that could bring up a number of issues. Sherlock finding out, George finding out, everybody at school finding out. People would find out.

Not that Sherlock would care, Sherlock didn't give a fuck what the media thought of him. Which was why John had to be his friend. And that only refers to friend, nothing more, nothing less.


New years came around. Nothing actually interesting there. And then, in what felt like seconds, John and Harry were packing their bags for their first day of school.

"Mum, they said I could bring my laptop to school," John complained as his mum pulled his laptop out of his bag. "It said so on the website."

"To bad. You need to make friends."

"I have a friend," John replied. Although John hadn't gotten any texts from Sherlock since Christmas.

Harry laughed. "Really? And who is that? Is his name Darth Vader the second of Candyland?"

"Hey, that was one imaginary friend that I had, and I had him when I was five!" John said defensively.

George gave them a ride to school in his old looking run down car. Which did not look safe to ride to school in. They held their bags in their laps and had to hold on to their seats, seen as this car was so old that it didn't have seat belts.

When they got to school, George didn't so much as grunt, and the moment they both closed the doors to the car, he was speeding off.

Harry was looking great for a first day of school. She had a dark green turtle-neck on, matched with skinny jeans and boots that looked like doc martens plus taller plus slightly less klunky. Her hair was let down instead of her usual ponytail, and she had curled her hair just a bit, so she'd have wavy hair.

John wasn't looking so stunning. He had worn his usual jeans and a jumper. Not to mention the fact that his bag was an old worn out black backpack with his old school's logo on it, and Harry had a taken John's satchel to use as a bag.

Winter Breaks (Johnlock/Teenlock)Where stories live. Discover now