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"Okay. You can do this John," John muttered to himself. He stared forward. He was standing in the hallway facing the door, "Cross through the door, and you can get to your date, John. Just don't get noticed."

John took a deep breath. And in an incredibly noticable hamster-like scramble to the door, John managed to get to the door.

"Where are you going, John?" John's mum asked.

"Nowhere," John smiled. A silence ensued. "Fine, somewhere."


"A date..." John admitted.


"Uh....Sher—Shannon! Shannon. Her name's Shannon," John lied.

"What's she like?"

"Clever, quirky, serious, fantastic, brilliant..." John went on.

"Sounds like a nice girl," John's mum nodded.

"Girl? I mean, yeah. Girl. Because... she's a girl. And female, y-yeah, of course," John smiled, "...named Shannon."

"Well, let Harry drive you."

"I was actually planning on walking," John said.

"It's dangerous for you to walk around on your own on the streets," Harry butted in, walking around the corner, "Plus, you look like an absolute dweeb."

"No I don't! I look like...a slight dweeb!" John said, "Do I look like a dweeb mum?!"


"Ugh, fine, Harry can drive me," John said.

Once they got into the car, John rolled up the window.

"We have to pick up my date," John said.

"Mkay, where does she live," Harry nodded.

John thought for a moment. He'd have to tell Harry eventually.

"He," John corrected.

"Oh, so you're gay," Harry said, "Welcome to the gay club bro."

"I'm bi, actually," John said, "I'm bi."

"Okay...." Harry nodded, "So what's his name?"


"Sherlock?!" Harry gasped, "The kid you had a sleepover with. Did anything happen at the sleepover?!"

"What?! No! I mean! Okay, technically yes, but not what you're thinking off," John blushed madly, "He just asked me out! God, Harry!"

"Aight," Harry said, starting up the car, "Where does your boyfriend live?"

"Just down the street," John said.

When they got to Sherlock's place, John hopped out the car and knocked on Sherlock's door.

Mycroft opened the door. He turned and yelled to Sherlock, "Sherlock! You're boyfriend's here for your date!"

Sherlock stumbled down the stairs and landed (somewhat) in front of John, "Hey!"

The two walked to the car which Sherlock looked at warily, "Thought we were walking."

"Yeah, well, stuff happens," John shrugged, "Harry's driving."

When they got in, Harry muttered, "I'm regretting my life decisions."

"Why?" John asked.

"Before it was kinda cute that my brother has a boyfriend, but now it's weird."

"Why?" John repeated.

"Because my younger brother has a boyfriend!" Harry said, "You're so little."

"You have a girlfriend, and you're barely older than me," John said.

"Well, I'm still older," Harry said.

"You're starting to sound like my brother," Sherlock piped in. He made a face and said in an odd voice, "'Ugh I have a boyfriend I'm technically an adult. You're a baby, Sherlock. Ughhhhhh."

"That you're Mycroft impression?" John asked.


"Not bad," John nodded.

"Where are you going?" Harry interrupted.

"Movies," John said.


The two had never been on a date. They were kinda awkward. The entire time they held hands, because that made sense, but Sherlock glanced at John far to much to be considered normal, and John was very much well aware of it.

Afterwards, as they were walking out, John said, "That was nice."

"Really? I thought the acting was poor. And the characters were so one dimensional. Oh! And did you see the way they did the camera work?! I mean, rea—"

"I meant the date," John said.

"Oh," Sherlock nodded.

"Yeah!" John laughed.

"Yeah, it was nice. I liked the hand holding. Very nice, very nice," Sherlock said.

"I liked it to," John agreed.

"Does this mean you'll go to the dance with me?"

Winter Breaks (Johnlock/Teenlock)Where stories live. Discover now