Part One

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     "This can't be happening right now," Ashton sighed, pushing down the hood of his car with a 'thud'. He slammed his hand on the vehicle with so much force that he was a bit surprised at how it didn't dent.

He dug out his phone and called Calum, hoping that he wasn't too far away already. The phone rang for a few times before it went dead and his friend's voicemail began to play. "You've reached Calum's voicemail! If I didn't pick up, then, I'm either busy ignoring you or I have no idea who this is and I'm avoiding telemarketers!"

"Cal, please pick up. I need your help to jumpstart my car, the battery died and I'm barely halfway home," Ashton spoke, looking out at the long dead road in front him. "Soon would be lovely." And so he sat in his dead car, watching the sun slowly fall.

His phone rang and he jolted up, not realizing that he had somehow dozed off in the time that he's been sitting there. He picked up his phone and read Calum's name from the caller I.D.

"Hello? Cal?" Ashton said. "I need help— uh Calum?" He sat up straighter and listened to his friend's voice cut in and out. He pulled the phone away from his ear and checked to see that he was currently balancing between one bar and no signal.

He opened his door and raised his phone up in the sky, like they did in the movies, to get a better signal. "I still can't hear you..." he watched the bar flicker down to no signal and it was decided that he wasn't contacting anyone soon.

"Well shit." He threw his phone down on this passenger seat and put his hands on his face. This was not how the day was supposed to go. 

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