Part Six

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     Iris felt so relaxed after her dinner with Ashton. She wasn't expecting to like him as much as she did. His smile melted her heart and his laugh, she wanted to hear that laugh on repeat for as long as she could.

The effect of that night had followed her to the following morning. Even at work she found herself thinking about the next time they would meet up. Would he have his hair styled in the same slick back way like at dinner? Would he somehow swoop her off her feet once again? All questions that would soon have their answers next weekend.

"Iris, sweetie, please come back down to earth for a moment," some voice said, unfortunately stopping her thoughts from going further. "You got scheduled for this Saturday." A folder dropped in front of her.

"Just give me a minute, Kelsie," Iris sighed. She rubbed her eyes as if she needed to convince herself that she was actually at work at the moment. "Okay, who's our victim?"

"You look a little out of it. Are you okay?" Kelsie asked.

"I'm a cute girl and I met a cute boy and now I want cute things to happen. So, please, who am I interviewing?"

Kelsie opened the folder and pointed to the bold font at the top of the paper. "5 Seconds of Summer, an Australian pop band that just released a new single called 'Teeth'. Basically their label just wants to promote the single and you have to ask about any upcoming album or whatever."

Iris tried her best to not look disappointed. She's heard of the band but from her perspective, they weren't very relevant. "Can you find someone else to do it?" She asked, slightly begging. "I'm only familiar with that one song about underwear or something. And didn't they just disappear after 2014?"

"No, Iris, maybe if you branched out with your music more and stopped listening to the three bands over and over," Kelsie said, grabbing Iris' phone as well, "you would actually know something about them." She handed it back with Spotify pulled up, the new single was ready to be played in just the press of a button. "Research them and listen to the music. Get at least twenty different questions. And last but not least, put on your pretty smile and act like you're a fan of their music just like every other interview."

Iris crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Kelsie with an unamused glare. "I will listen to the single and one song of each album. I will be done with the questions by tomorrow. Then by Thursday, I can talk to Lauren and tell her to tweet about your favorite little boy band. Finally, Friday, I get the day off and Saturday morning I can hang out with my cute boy and be back at headquarters for camera tests and makeup."

"Okay, I get it," Kelsie said, "and I never said you can have Friday off."

"Then I get off early on Friday. Either way I'm getting a well deserved break on Friday."

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