Part Twenty Three

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     "So, you're not mad at me anymore?" Kelsie stood in front of Iris feeling bad for the past few weeks.

"No, I'm still pissed as hell," Iris said, crossing her arms in front of her body, "but you're also one of my best friends and I rather you as a friend than a boss." She had invited her over a few hours before the album release party, hoping that they could make up and get ready together.

"Luckily for both of us, I won't be your boss for much longer," Kelsie joked quietly. "You're going to be so much better off at a different network."

"I hope," Iris said, "I haven't really gotten much response for my interviews. I may even be stuck at Tunes News for another year."

Kelsie's eyes widened, "anyone would be crazy not to take you. And I don't know if it will help, but I can write a reference if you'd like?"

"Wow, you're really trying to get rid of me fast," Iris laughed.

"As your friend I want you to be happy. As your boss, however, I'm gonna miss someone as hardworking as you."

"Okay, shut up. I love you. Now will you help me get ready for the party?" Iris dragged her in.

"Oh god, you're giving me flashbacks to college Iris," Kelsie replied dramatically. She thought about the many times her friend had made some ridiculous choices a few years back and how she would always wake up the morning after regretting everything.

"Hot and smart?" Iris guessed.

"Hot and stupid," Kelsie corrected.

Iris gasped, "I have a curling iron ready to burn you."

"You would never," Kelsie taunted.


It was only after the girls had finished getting ready and were on their way to the party when Iris got a call. "Kelsie, oh my god," she nearly screamed, causing Kelsie to swerve on the road a bit in fright.

"What the fuck was that?" Kelsie yelled back. Her heart rate struggling to get back to normal.

"I got the job," Iris squealed. "Less travel, less controversy, less commute," she began listing off the benefits, "and way better pay."

"And a rockstar boyfriend," Kelsie added. "I'm expecting your letter of resignation Monday morning."

Iris's eyes widened at the thought. "I need to get back with Ashton. Oh I'm so stupid why haven't I texted him," she groaned, "god I'm the worst ex girlfriend."

"As I mentioned before, you're hot and stupid."

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