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Draco couldn't sleep. Not with all this food trying to digest anyway.

Madam bloody Pomfrey made him eat a whole meal and used a spell to stop him from leaving the bed so he couldn't throw it up.

Anxiety was creeping up as Draco felt his stomach churn. His neglected bowels hadn't been used in so long, he could feel the struggle with the intake of food.

His palms were sweaty and he ate away at his stubby nails - barely anything left after biting them to calm his hunger. Tearing at the skin and chewing his cuticles till his hand bled was a familiar task when days got tough; the metallic taste somewhat familiar, but anything was better than eating a meal.

Now, however, Draco chewed away due to nerves. Panic spread around him and guilt from what he'd eaten consumed his mind - nothing else mattered than getting this food out. The feeling of the added weight in his stomach only made him feel more disgusting.

He began to do sit-ups in his bed as quietly as he could, praying, fucking begging to burn up fat his body had taken on.

It hurt, the burning of his muscles being suddenly used, as well as the strong ache beginning to creep up his body. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes as he pushed himself up and down relentlessly, desperate for change, his body begging him to stop this mindless torture. But he couldn't, no matter how much this ripped him apart he had to keep going, he had to.

Draco's eyes began to glaze over as his heart rate burst through his chest, screaming in his ears, his breaths short and fast and as his head struggled to receive oxygen. He was going to pass out soon if he didn't stop. He shouldn't overexert himself like this, but he couldn't stop either.

Just one more he told himself and his push himself into his final curl and collapsed on the bed, body trembling.

He panted, begging for more air to fill his lungs, closing his eyes as pain shot through his entire being like the Cruciatus curse.

But this burst of exercise wasn't enough. He needed to remove this food from his stomach. Right now.

Anger, frustration, pain, and sadness was rising in Draco, he didn't know how to handle this many emotions. Grinding his teeth and pulling his hair he stifled a scream, feeling the sting in his throat as he cried. He was getting out of this bed if it was the last thing he ever did.

Wandless magic could only be performed by some of the most powerful wizards, but considering Draco's wand had been confiscated by Pomfrey, it seemed his only option.

He'd seen Snape do it as well as Dumbledore. He winced at the thought of their names, the painful memories of the old headmasters playing in his head. However deep the anguish and disgust he felt now dug, his need to get off the bed and break the charm was imperative at this moment. he needed to concentrate.

Break the charm. Break the charm. Come on, you're a Malfoy. You CAN break the charm. If you don't you'll put on. You'll lose CONTROL.

That seemed to do it, he could feel the weight of the blankets loft from him as he swiftly sat up and turned to the side. He stretched his legs and dropped his feet silently off the bed, creeping toward the draw Madam Pomfrey and put his wand in.

Apparently, Draco's need for control was so desperate he was able to break a Charm wandlessly - besides, he was skilled at Occlumency and Legilimency thanks to Auntie Bella, so had some practice in the powers of the mind.

He edged towards the door, wand in hand, excitement bubbling in his stomach - or maybe that was the rising bile. He was subconsciously preparing to throw up his stomach as the acid churned away.

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