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The weather was beginning to get colder as winter settled down around the castle. Frost littered the grounds for most of the day and breath could be seen at all hours. Scarves of the house colours wrapped around the neck of the students, but one, in particular, felt the cold the most.

Draco, while having put on weight, was still rake thin and the cold was eating away at him. He'd was used to being cold a lot, but this winter was shaping up to be particularly bitter. He was still having check-ups from Madam Pomfrey from time to time. She was still doing all kinds of assessments when he saw her, but she was all-around pleased with his improvements.

He practiced pushing the thoughts of food away, trying his best to see meals as a positive thing. In no way were is eating habits normal, what he ate was limited to certain food and the amount he ate was minimal compared to his housemates however he was consistent.

As Draco's condition had improved over the last months he and Potters odd relationship had also... developed. It has been a fair amount of time since Harry had put a stop to their periodic snogging sessions, but things no longer held the same tension they had. They continued to work together in potions lesson, much to the delight of Slughorn. They would share jokes and casual conversation and Draco found himself looking forward to his next lesson with Harry. Draco also found himself more or less obsessing over Harry for a lot of the day.

Much to his surprise Harry and the weasel seemed to have made up. He saw them laughing and joking together as he'd used to, however, now when saw this familiar bond he felt an odd pang in his stomach. He felt his fists curled when Harry ruffled Weasley's hair and his teeth would grit when Weasley gave Harry a playful pat on the back.

That's what Draco was currently doing. Gritting his teeth and clutching his spoon with a white fist as he watched the two friends share banter on the other end of the hall. He aggressively mixed his fruit and oats together not taking his eyes off the pair, narrowing his eyes when one made physical contact with the other.

'They're just friends you know?' Blaise laughed, following Draco's eye line to the Gryffindors.

Draco gave him a glare, he knew full well they were friends, didn't mean he was happy about it.

'Is my little Draco jealous?' Blaise mocked further.

'I do not get jealous Zabini,' Draco growled through still gritted teeth, 'I just can't stand the thought of Harry being around the Weasel, he might give him fleas or something.' Draco finished raising his nose and scrunching his face as if he smelt something foul.

'Sure, mate,' Blaise said giving and eye roll and whacking Draco on the shoulder as he stood, 'Are you gonna eat that or just gride it up in the hope it will stop Weasley touching your precious Potter?'

Draco made a point of shoving a spoonful of his breakfast into his mouth and chewed vigorously, to which Zabini snorted and started away out of the great hall.

Draco continued to watch Harry, sighing to himself. Harry had looked over a few times, giving Draco a grin when he caught his eye. It wasn't fair. Draco wanted to touch Harry, in any way he could. Why should Weasley get to have contact all the time? Harry turned to Draco again and gave him a smile. A smile that moved to his eyes that were full of sincerity and made Draco's stomach do a summersault. Yes, it was definitely not fair that Weasley got to spend all that time with Harry.

Harry jerked his head at the door, clearly signaling to Draco he wanted a talk outside the hall. Draco lit up, he wanted to get on the table and shout at the top of his lungs that Harry fucking Potter wanted to talk to him. He wanted to shove it in Weaselbee's face that Harry was giving Draco attention and not that ginger idiot.

Draco did none of those things, instead, he gave Harry a curt nod and got up to follow Hary out of the great hall. The moved to a small corridor that few would use until lessons began and Harry turned to face him, taking Draco's hand and looking at him with his fucking eyes that no one should be able to look at but Draco. Draco was fucked.

'Um, are you okay Draco?' Harry started, seeming slightly nervous, ' You looked a little... put out at breakfast.'

An innocent question Draco supposed, but there was no way he was going to tell Harry to his face that he, Draco Malfoy, was looking so 'output' because he couldn't cope with other people enjoying themself with Harry, especially people like Weasley. No, he couldn't say that.

'Erm, well you know how mealtimes are for me.' Draco tied to me as convincing as he could, but he still avoided Harry's eye.

'Sure sure,' Harry nodded, sounding like he believed Draco half-lie, 'You're doing okay then?'

He caught Draco's eye and Draco was very aware of Harry clutching his hand. Yes, I'm fine Draco thought apart from every time I see you I want to kiss your stupid face and at night all I think about is holding you and never letting you go and it's physically painful. Yes, Draco was definitely fucked.

'I'm fine honestly, I'm coping.' Draco choked out, still thinking about Harry's hand on his. Harry's hand. Harry's eyes. Harry's lips. Draco's lips on Harry's.

Without realising it, Draco had Harry pressed up against the wall, holding his stupid Gryffindor tie and cupping his stupid Gryffindor cheek and kissing his stupid Gryffindor face.

Thankfully Harry reciprocated the kiss, fitting their lips together. Draco deepened the messy kiss, teeth clashing slightly as Harry reached up to Draco's hair, moaning softly against Draco's mouth. Draco moved his hand along Harry's jaw, pressing his thumb just bellow Harry's ear as Harry gripped the back of Draco's neck pulling him closer making Draco shudder.

Draco pulsed. His whole body felt like it was going to explode. He was sure his heart would burst out of his chest it was beating so loudly. He pressed himself against Harry, losing himself in the other boy. His mind was blank, all that mattered was Harry. Every one of his senses was enamoured with Harry. Infatuation flowed over, passion pricking at his skin, needed him to touch Harry, begging Harry to touch him. The contact making a fire spread throughout.

Draco wasn't thinking about the fact they were in a corridor. Draco wasn't thinking about the fact lessons were about to start. Draco wasn't thinking about the fact anyone could walk around the corner at any second. Until he heard some kind of choaking noise come from his left.

Draco's head whipped around immediately making eye contact with a horrified looking redhead.

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