chapter 13

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Ron stared between Harry and Draco for a long moment, shock etched upon his face. Harry froze, unsure of what his reaction would be, he prayed, hoped, wished for it all to be okay.

He couldn't lose his best mate, he really couldn't, not over this.

'Ron I-' Harry began looking for some kind of explanation for snogging Draco Malfoy in a corridor at nine o'clock in the morning.

'Harry' Ron interrupted, he took a deep breathe, looked at his shoes and what seemed like a smile came on the corner of his mouth, 'it's fine, I'm not bothered if you want to kiss blokes, even if it's this twat' he nodded to Draco, 'just tell Gin yourself would you, she doesn't want to find out through the Prophet or something like that.'

'oh' Harry has expected shouting, not, whatever this was.

'I'm sorry for being a mardy bint earlier, it wasn't far, and I'm working on it' Ron continued, 'so snog Malfoy as much as want, you're my best mate, I don't care.'

Malfoy had been quiet for this whole exchange, awkwardly looking between the Harry and Ron. It seemed like he was trying to be glad for Harry but was internalising a lot of his emotions.

But Harry couldn't stop the grin from spreading across is face, Ron was grinning too, and then they were laughing, laughing harder than they had done in weeks.

It was okay, it was going to all be okay. He could kiss Draco, and hold his hand and keep his best mate and Draco was going to get better and things were going to be okay.

Draco still looked fairly bemused by the whole exchange and he had a small, but confused smile on his lips.

Harry held Draco's hand as they sat under the same tree where Harry and his friends had found him just a few months earlier, unable to breathe, malnourished and closer the death than either of the would like to admit. Now a week or so after Ron had found out, they enjoyed eachothers company comfortably and spent a lot of their time together.

Harry could now in fact kiss Draco, Draco could kiss him and they often went a lot further than just kissing. They were technically 'boyfriends' even if neither of them said it, but those words were chucked around when people spoke about them. Some how the prophet hadn't found out. Yet. Not that it would change anything.

Harry had spoken to Ginny after a well needed and long conversation with Ron about Harry's at least semi-gayness and they were both on good terms. Draco had written to his mother who seemed to think that if Draco had to be 'rather homosexual' it may as well be with the chosen one himself.

Harry watched Draco as he lay down on the grass and gazed up at Harry with clear eyes, full and almost hopeful. He'd put on loads, he was now officially a healthy weight and ate at every meal. Harry never thought he could be so happy for another person.

Harry understood it will take time for Draco to fully recover but he was doing amazing and nothing was going to stop him now. Stop either of them from being happy.

Harry cupped Draco's cheek as he slightly lent over him, lowering himself to kiss him. He touched his lips light and playful, savouring the gentle touch of Draco's had as it came by his ear and moving to his jaw. Harry pulled back a little and smiled, he moved to kiss Draco's forehead lightly before sitting back up.

Draco raised himself onto his elbows and looked down the hill focusing on something in the distance. Harry looked and could see a blip of ginger and a mess brown walking towards them.

Harry's two best friends reached them, they were hand in hand and sat next to the couple on the ground under the tree. Ron greeted Harry with a chummy slap on the back and even gave Draco a punch in the arm- which was Ron's way of telling someone they were friends.

And as Harry sat under this tree with the people he loved most in the world he knew that things can only get better and for once in his life, his future was clear and the bright midday sky.

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