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Draco stepped on the scales and watched the number slowly rise, landing on 55.2kg. Holding back a cunning smirk, Draco saw Madam Pomfrey nod at the increase in weight.

'Now Mr Malfoy' She said in her usual stern tone, ' These few days in the Hospital wing seemed to have done you well, therefore, you will be dismissed and allowed back to your common room'

This time Draco allowed the smile to pass onto his lips and nodded along with Madam Pomfrey's decisions.

'You will attend every meal and be kept away from the bathrooms an hour after every meal' She continued, 'I have alerted your teachers to your condition and it is your decision, for the time being, whether to do the same with your friends. You'll be excused from class these next few days to regain strength and no exercising under any circumstances.' Giving Malfoy a stern nod she steered him towards the doors of the hospital wing.

'You will come here every other day for a check-up on your weight - any rules broken and you're straight back in that bed' With that, she closed the door.

As Draco made his way back to the common room he decided to he'd go for a quick smoke, he'd not had one for a while and it felt deserved. Despite the new regulations he was going to have to wheedle around, his plan - for the most part, had worked. 

So He headed towards the courtyard promptly. He'd used a charm he'd learned at some point in his 6th year that could grow certain parts of the body ever so slightly, for a short amount of time. By making his hands and feet slightly larger, extending his arms and legs and widening his hips he had made it seem as if he'd put on a substantial - but believable amount of weight. It was cruel and dirty towards Madam Pomfrey, but smart nonetheless.

One part of his plan that didn't work out was a certain brown-haired boy finding out his deepest secret. Draco wasn't quite sure why he'd told Potter, but the vulnerable state he'd been in that night it was hard to resist finally opening up of his own free will. It felt good to have someone understand him at a more human level for once. Although he wasn't sure how he felt about all the teachers knowing, as well as Potter, he decided to vacate that though from his mind for the time being.

Now his next course of action, what to tell Blaise and Pansey. Both had been told by Madam Pomfrey they were not allowed to see him until his discharge, but that Draco was doing fine. He knew the questions would be excruciating but he wasn't ready to tell them just yet.

He took a drag of the cigarette a blew out. He knew this was a dirty muggle habit - sadly picking it up from his mother, it was the only thing that kept her together during the war it seemed. It was, of course, kept secret from Father, but most things were. It was a way for Draco to cope, it wasn't like he wasn't already destroying his body anyway.

Draco stepped sheepishly onto his scales with his naked body shuddering. His clothes thrown either side of him as he knew the impact the seemingly innocent pieces of clothing made to his weight. 

He'd successfully made it past Blaise and Pansy, feeding them a story of 'a rare case of Dragon Pox' which would hopefully keep them satisfied for some time. However, there was still suspicion on Blaise's face once Draco's story was revealed, but nothing more was said and Draco had promptly excused himself to bed.

Looking down, the needle steadily moved, reaching its destination at 53.5kg. Draco nearly jumped for joy before guilt began to consume him.

Guilt? He questioned, he'd never felt guilty about his weight going down in his life. But now some form a regret trembled in his brittle bones and a need for some form of sanity rattled him. One word sprung into his mind over the cause of his newfound emotion regarding his lowest weight - Potter.

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