Getting Lost Somewhere

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"Nagito, I think you damn well know we're lost." Hajime's slightly angry voice said. I looked at my lap, feeling disappointed in myself. I had put too much trust into my luck, and now Hinata and I were now in the middle of nowhere, with no service, and almost no fuel in the car. Obviously today was one of my bad days.

"Sorry..." my voice trailed off in shame. I heard my lover sigh irritability.

The car rolled along the road at a semi-fast speed, the countryside's scenery close up too difficult to make out. Beyond that, though, was a field. It made out to be some sort of crop, but beautiful red poppies poked through the greenery everywhere.

Beyond that wide field, was a forest. It was dense and I could barely make out the movement of deer from behind the first few rows of oak and spruce.

I smiled at the passing nature. Despite us being stranded, the place was incredibly calming. I almost felt at ease.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I half whispered to the driver.

"What is?" Hajime still held a tone of annoyance in his voice. That once again made me frown. I hated seeing him like this, especially because I caused him to feel so negative. "Come on- spit it out."

"The scenery," As I mumbled, I saw hajime quickly glance over, as to not distract himself too much from the road. "We should pull over."

"What do you- pull over? Why?" He was getting increasingly annoyed at me. I could almost hear him grip tighter on the steering wheel.

I almost didn't respond, but that would make him even more angry if I didn't. "So- so you can see the fields... look, never mind. Keep track on the road." My voice trailed off, ending in a barely audible mumble.

I leant my head against the window and scrunched up my eyes. I felt like crying- this was all my stupid fault...!

My own thoughts were interrupted by the indicator ticking. I opened my bleary eyes to see Hajime pull over to a small dip in the road.


"Don't tell my you don't want to see them, now. Come on." The brunet got out of the car, slamming the door with a bit more force than he usually did. I gulped, almost scared. Hajime had never been violent, so I don't know why I was shaking when I undid my seat belt, but dear lord he could be frightening when he was upset.

By the time I had gotten out of the car, Hinata was half way up the field, walking on the sidelines as to not tred on crops or flowers.

I didn't bother to call out to him, he probably needed five minutes to cool off anyways.

The slight downhill walk was comforting, the only sounds I could really hear were hajimes frustrated stomping and the birds.

I  stopped beside Hajime as i reached the bottom of the crop field, my hands still trembling slightly. This time, it wasn't just because I was afraid: I was also excited. When I was a child, I never got to explore something like this, and now a large forest was standing right infront of me!

"You might get lost." Hajime seemed to notice how dark and dense the woods were before I did.

"Huh? Oh. I guess..."

After I timidly mumbled that, the shorter boy beside me slid his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers. He then seemed to catch on to my muddle of fear and anticipation. Although he kept quiet, his hand gripped onto mine harder, pulling me closer to his body with his other arm.

I smiled softly at this, I knew he felt guilty, and that put me at ease.


The two of us had been stumbling around the wilderness for about an hour now, all in complete silence. Whether it was because of the incident in the car or because the forest was to intimidating to speak in beats me.

Occasional fireflies buzzed around us, making me look about in awe. Most trees were intertwined with eachother, each branch reaching out, almost yearning for another the hold it. Ivy draped down from said branches, making it look like the forest had curtained itself from us.

Suddenly, and by an honest accident, I tripped. Said trip caused me to trumble half way though a hole, no bigger than a couple metres wide. My torso hung upside down, and I stared longingly into the cave I had just discovered. Vines, plants and flowers were decorated everywhere, more fireflies making it seem like the place was glowing. Although, that was nothing compared to the body of water that lay still in the middle of the dirt and rock. it's size was no bigger than a pond, but it's beauty was indescribable. The light from the glowing bugs shimmered off of the deep blue water, it's stillness making it easy to look apon the reflections of the sunset coloured flowers.

"N-Nagito? Are you okay?" I felt a hand on my back. I assumed it was Hinata's, so I grabbed it.

"Hinata-chan, check this out!" I smiled, while pulling him down. Unfortunately, he wasn't as lucky as me, and I watched him tumble down right below me.

"Hey! What was that... for..." for the first time since we had entered the forest, Hinata lifted his head to see the hidden underground majesty. He seemed just as in awe as I was.

Pulling back up amd swinging my legs over the mini cliff like edge, I slid down to beside hajime.

I saw him glance over at me.

"How did you..." he stopped himself from finishing before replying himself. "Yeah. Luck."

"I suppose so." No wonder my luck had brought us here, my bad luck had been wild for the whole of today.

"I guess I should apologise,  huh," Hajime spoke to me after a few minutes of silence. I frowned at him as he said that. "The car."

"Oh, right." The faint light illuminated his face, and at that point I noticed his eyes get foggy.

"Look- I got really frustrated and I kinda took it out on you!" I could tell he was desperately trying to not look me in the eye. "I scared you, didn't I?"

The question took me back a little. If I didnt respond, he would think of the worst, but I didnt want to be dishonest...

"Well, um, not by much but-"

"For gods sake, im such a shitty boyfriend!" I could hear him vocally start to sob.

In a quick attempt to comfort him, I pulled his smaller body onto my lap and started patting his back, whispering comforts into his ear. He leaned his head onto my shoulder and groaned, tears still running down his face.

"I- im- so sorry Nagito," He exclaimed, drawing the attention off the fireflies. I watched as a few sat on his clothes and hair.

"Please calm down, its okay-"

"But it's not!" He sat up and rubbed his face. Looking me in the eye, he continued. "No person should make someone shake with fear!"

I looked about nervously, thinking of what to say. "Well... well then..." I could feel myself start to bite my thumbnail, a bad habit of mine.

"Stop doing that." I felt a gentle hand grasp my own and pull it away from my mouth.

"Communication, I guess," I then realised that needed explaining as hajime shot me a confused look through tears. "Maybe if we vocalise our thoughts more, neither of us will be on edge?"

I felt hajime rearrange his legs on my lap. He pulled me into another hug. "That sounds legitimate."

I pulled away slightly, looking dreamily into Hajime's eyes. He smiled back, his eyes now slightly swollen from his upset.

I pulled him closer and gave him a small kiss, my lips meeting his in a smooth motion.

After a while, i pulled away and rested my forehead on his, letting my eyes rest closed.

"We're in this beautiful place now. Lets just relax, okay?" I whispered, not wanting to disturb the peace.

"Oh... hah, yeah. Okay."

A/n: I absolutely love describing scenery but im always scared im overdoing it so it comes out badly

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

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