Sleeping in

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The sunday morning light streamed in through the large window, hitting my face and waking me up. It wasn't early, but nor was it too late since the sun wasn't too high in the sky. I could see clearly through my bleary eyes, so I shut them again in attempts to gather myself a few more sleeping hours.

There was a huge party at someone's house (more like mansion) and I was one of the many to go. The students tried to keep it more underground, mainly because none of us wanted to get expelled from our prestigious college. But, as all parties do, things got way out of hand fast. Unfortunately, because of my tendency to be a lightweight and a blackout drunk, I barely remembered anything. I'd just have to get info off of Ibuki later.

I cuddled into the blankets more, trying to shuffle back a little to get the sun out of my eyes. Only then did I notice that something was behind me. Or, well, someone . Not many non-human things had arms and hands with five fingers. Laying across my body, hugging my bare chest slightly, was an arm. From what I could tell, it's beholder was skinny and incredibly pale. The limb stood out boldly against my body, my slightly tanned skin was a lot darker than his.

While this was a really bizarre situation, I didn't really feel any panic for a while, I only felt annoyed at the fact I couldn't move without waking the stranger up.

That all changed once I realised I - and most likely the mystery person aswell - were very much naked. I let out a little shriek and pulled away, scrambling off of the large bed and falling onto the carpeted floor face first. In my disorientation, I didn't notice the change from my dorms wooden floor, as I looked up I realised there were a lot more concerning things to worry about. One of them was that I certainly wasn't in any room I knew about, and the second was that the mystery person, who I now knew was a boy, was awake and leaning over the bed to look at me. I gave out another small, high pitched yell again and crawled away backwards, hiding my dick with my legs crossed. My back hit a wall and in my panic I clung to it like it was my lifeline.

"...Are you okay?" The boy asked. His hair was white, almost tinted with colour if you squinted. His pale skin seemed smooth, but several marks interrupted that. Were those... lovebites? Or was that my imagination? Luckily, he was still half covered in his duvet so I couldn't see anything I wouldn't want to see.

"No! Of course I'm not okay!" I hated that I sounded so upset. "I just woke up in a strangers house after blacking out, completely naked! Oh, and you have lovebites!"

"Lovebites, huh?" He ran his hands along his neck and collar bones. "I call them hickeys."

"That is not  the problem!" I held my hands to my face and screamed into them a little.

"You have a problem with the fact we hooked up?" The boy murmured, scratching his cheek. "That's a blow to my ego."

I stilled, my mind frozen. We... we did what?

"I'm sorry, what...?" I looked up from my hands to see the boy had lied back down.

"Oh so you really  don't remeber," he put his arms behind his head. "I guess you've forgotten my name, then. Hard to believe since you were screaming it so loud last night, but it's Nagito Komaeda. Nice to meet you, sober Hajime."

"Don't say that..." I muttered, hiding my face in my knees. So this guy was Komaeda? I thought back to if I'd heard the name before, but only brief memories came to mind, and even then his name was just mentioned randomly in conversation. "You- you go to Hope's Peak, right?"

"No, I just invited a bunch of people from a different school to my house, of course I go to Hope's Peak, Hajime." Nagito said, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

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