one of them is sick

625 12 17

an from 2022. lol.
okay going thru drafts and found this LOL. 2 all you avid readers out there im sorry but i dont consume dr content anymore nor do i produce it but this was a nice find

"I suppose you could say I'm the richest person in the world," Hajime boasted. "Not to mention I have a yacht!" His hand was poised towards himself in a confident way.

"That's not what you told me..." I overheard Kazuichi grumble.

As of this morning, Hajime has been acting... odd. Boasting about things that could never happen. For example;

"Oh! Oh! I was also one of the first Japanese people to travel to space!"

"Shut your yap, Hajime! We all know that's bullcrap!" Fuyuhiko hit the table as he shouted, shutting Hajime up. The breakfast table went silent as everyone looked over at Hajime. His slight frown began to change into a cocky grin, and he began to spout off once again.

"Oh? Oh? You don't believe my Fuyuhiko? Well I have a photo of Niel Armstrong and me hanging out in space training!"

"Niel Armstrong is American, ya' dunce! You wouldn't have interacted at all!" Akane exclaimed, voice oddly clear since it was at the breakfast table.

"No he isn't. He's obviously Russian."

"Wait! He is?" I laughed at Ibuki's question.

"No, Ibuki-san. He is very much American."

"God, I'm freezing! Someone grab me a jumper!" Hajime clutched himself. His eyes darted aroynd the room, finally landing on me. I slowly took a bite out of what I was eating as we made eye contact. Please,  his eyes said. Please.

I finished my mouthful and put my fork down. "You want my jacket?" His rushed nod to me was bizarre, so unlike him. Well, I suppose he had been lying his mouth off, so it wasn't the first unusual thing to happen today.

I stood up, shoving my chair back a little. Nobody payed me any mind as I slithered off my jacket and walked around the table. Taking it off of my arm, I gestured for Hajime to stand. He did, his chair scraping back in a smiliar manner to mine, although he kept his left hand holding on to it like it was a lifeline.

"Hinata-kun? Are you sure you're okay?" I frowned at him. The boy below me was shaking wildly.

"Of course I am, Nagito! Why- why wouldn't I be?"

"Your eyes say otherwise." I once again moved my jacket to my right arm and lifted my left hand to feel Hajime's forehead.

"Hey! Get your disgusting hands off of me!" He exclaimed, letting go off the wooden chair beneath him. My sickly pale skin barely brushed his sunkissed forehead as he stumbled, falling to his knees. His hands were still clamped onto my arm.

"H- Hinata? Hinata-kun, what's wrong?" I dropped my jacket and I felt people stare at Hajime in concern. His eyes were teary and his breathing was shallow.

"What do you- what'd you mean? I'm fine..." his voice was airy, nothing like I'd ever heard from him before.

I heard several people rush over to us. My body was still bent over Hajime, his hands still clasped onto my arm. I felt him pull, trying to get himself up, only to fail and pull me down onto the floor boards. A loud thud emanated from my knees, silencing the cafeteria.

I looked to him, a questioning look in my eyes.

"H- h- hos... hospital..." his body then went limp and his grasp from my arm disapated. His head fell back onto the floorboards behind him, missing the sharp edge of the seat he was previously sat on by a hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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