My Ordinary Life - Songfic

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Changed the promt because I have no clue on what to do for the original

"You're so great, Hajime!"

"So talented!"

"Fantastic voice, bro!"

Hajime Hinata was sat in the band's private studio, reading through the several thousand comments he had recently got on his most recent upload. He felt giddy, almost lightheaded. Ninety percent of all the comments were about him.

Hajime was the lead singer and lead guitarist of a band, that he  started. That he  named, and that he  lead to success. And god, was he proud of himself. Of course, he had the rest of the band to thank, but everyone knew it was mainly him.

The video in question was an offical upload of the band's music video for some random pop song that Hajime helped write. It was one of those songs that no matter who you were, you could relate to it. Or that's what he had been told anyway, he didn't pay much attention to writing lyrics now-a-days.

This song would be part of their second album, "Obliviousness". He didn't remember which band member came up with it, but he didn't really care. He just couldn't wait until it was released.

"Yo, Hajime," a voice interrupted his scrolling, and he darted his eyes towards his bass player, Kazuichi Souda. Said bass player was the lazy type, not giving much input to the band's growth. So, in music terms, he was Hajime's least favourite. Otherwise, he was a pretty chill guy.

"Hey Kaz, you need me for anything?" Hajime turned his head towards the slumped boy and closed the lid of his macbook.

"Uh, kinda. I just want you too listen to this rhythm I got going," Kazuichi handed Hajime a pair of blue tooth headphones from his neck while taking his phone out of his pocket. "And tell me if we can do something with it or not."

Hajime nodded and placed the headphones to his ears. As soon as the sound started playing, he held back a wince. The timing seemed a little wack, the notes varied too much and it went on for too long. He took off the headphones before it played again.

"Change it." Hajime said, without a hint of mercy in his voice.

"Um, change what?"

"Change it,"  Hajime rolled his eyes, getting increasingly annoyed. "I don't like it."

"Huh." Kazuichi said, disappointed. This wasn't the first time that had happened, whenever anyone came up to Hajime to ask him about a chord or rhythm, the demanding lead wouldn't like it. He never did, not even for his "musical favourites". Kazuichi then left, plodding over to his bass guitar,  putting on the headphones attatched to said guitar and began plucking on his strings. Hajime glared at him, noticing that the drummer and the keyboard player - nagito and ibuki respectively - sent a look of pity to Kazuichi before either shaking their head at Hajime or ignoring him completely.

He opened his laptop back up, sighing. They had a small gig at the local festival later that day, only for a few songs, but it was something. Hajime had obviously done bigger public performances before, with how well the band was doing on his efforts.


There was a loud chatter from the warm tent, and Hajime was getting hot from the overwhelming build up off pressure. He'd taken off his jacket already, and was incredibly tempted to take off his tanktop.

He and the band were performing around late afternoon, in a large white tent stationed in a vast field. There were other tents, almost exactly the same except instead the music tent held a stage, band equipment and the food tents held many food stalls.

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