needing eachother

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A/n: found this in my drafts

"Hey, honey?" Hajime sat down next to Nagito's half awake body. The tired boy streched and looked up at his partner through one eye.


"I'm going to be late home today, okay?" Hajime ran his fingers through Nagito's off-white hair. Nagito looked at Hajime, and he appeared to already be fully dressed.

"That's really annoying. How come?" Nagito held hajimes free hand to his chest, humming slightly.

"I promised work that I'd do overtime today since I took a couple days of sick last week. I should be back by seven though, so it's not too long!"

"Oh but that's ages! Two hours extra, to be exact!" Nagito groaned and shut his eyes. "What am I going to do.."

Hajime laughed at the exaggeration. "Come on, it isn't that bad. You could always meet up with Kaz and Fuyuhiko!"

"They're boring comparison to you!" Nagito clutched his one hand onto hajimes free one, sitting up with a little struggle and leaning against the headboard. That made Hajime pull away his hand that was stroking Nagito's head. In return, Nagito let out a grumble of dissatisfaction.

"Says Mr. All-Ultimates-are-God," Hajime pulled away to check his wrist watch. "it's half past eight now, I really have to go."

Nagito rubbed his right eye. "I so wish you could stay."

"Me too," Hajime placed a short kiss on Nagito's lips, before standing up. "I'll see you at seven!"

"Goodbye!" Nagito smiled as his boyfriend left the room, and soon a slam was heard as Hajime left the shared apartment. Nagito leaned over with his right arm to open a drawer that held his prosthetic arm. It was created by Kamakura-kun and Souda-kun, after he had a freak car accident that mangled his arm to the point it had to be amputated. For that, he would forever be in debt to them. With slight difficulty, he grabbed it and hooked it up to where this arm cut of mid-wrist.

Once he made sure it was attached properly he swung his legs over the king-sized bed and onto the soft, surprisingly deep carpet. He streched his arms once again before standing up. Nagito already had a bedshirt and boxer-shorts on so he didn't bother getting properly dressed. After all, he was home alone and had no one coming over. He soon regretted his decision to not put on something warmer, and was immediately chilled by the morning air that must've come into the house from an open window or Hajime opening the door.

Usually, the pale boy would have work, but the café he worked at had closed for renovations, and he (obviously) wasn't in need of money so he'd just have to wait.

Hajime, on the other hand, lived for work. He needed mental simulation to keep himself entertained. Although an office job wasn't the best, he didn't have too many qualifications (apart from going to the RCD, and frankly, that just made him look like a desperate money-waster.)

Nagito walked off towards the kitchen, hoping to scrounge something from the fridge. He couldn't cook well, and although his talent was part of the problem, he also never taught himself how to do anything helpful in the kitchen.

Opening the american-style refrigerator, Nagito scanned his eyes across the various shelves. It was obvious that once upon a time it was organised, but random things lay anywhere it fit nowadays.

His eyes landed on ham. "Ham... and mayonnaise sandwich? For breakfast?" Nagito muttered to himself, scratching his cheek.
"Why not, there's nothing better to do."


To say Nagito was worried would be the understatement of the century. It was now half eleven at night and Hajime still hadn't returned from work. The pale boy had tried calling him from his phone several times, for no one to answer. He'd left a couple voice messages asking for Hajime to get home safely or call back, but to his dismay Komaeda got no reply.

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