drawing eachother

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Artist nagito
Naked model Hajime

I sat at my easel, waiting pensively in a group of other art students. Our professor had previously told us around five minutes ago that a naked model would be coming in for us to study draw. We knew nothing about the person, whether it was a man or woman or how old they were was a complete mystery.

And, if you couldn't tell from the giggly, almost nervous atmosphere in the room, this would be the first time my class had someone come in.

We sat in a circle around a square table, where I presumed the model would sit. We each had school provided empty canvases, but self bought (expensive) paints. My class were talking among themselves, but me being the loner artist, I had little to no friends - at least, not in this class anyway.

Our professor had told us this project would usually be a sketching practice for us first years, but since we were the advanced class, it would be an "in depth" realistic painting portrait. I hated the fact I was in the advamced class in the first place, since I made it openly clear to my teachers that I believed other people deserved this spot more than me, but I never had to guts or disrespect to ask to move.

As my thoughts raced about nothing in particular, I heard the door knock and creak open. Silence immediately swept over the class as we all collectively turned out heads to the opening grey door.

"Hello?" A masculine voice called out. Slight relief made my muscles relax as I realised the model was male.

"Yes, yes! Come in!" My eccentric professor called. A brunet shuffeld in and closed the door behind him awkwardly, eyeing all of the students. His eyes landed on me for a second and I tensed up, suddenly feeling incredibly vulnerable. At that moment, the robed man loosened his own tense body, immediately calming the general vibe of the room.

"Right! Hello, everybody!"  The man waved. He gave a toothy smile and the room smiled with him, even the shyest of students giving out a small grin. I could tell the girls seemed to woo over him already, even though he had only walked into the room. Embarrassingly enough, I felt like those girls. In fact, maybe it was only me heating up at his undeniably attractive face, but we shouldn't think about that now.

"You know what we're doing today, yeah? My name is Hinata, by the way - Hajime Hinata!" Hinata began walking up the classroom, the little light from the mistly covered windows seemingly hitting his face in every perfect way. He lifted himself onto the table, looking over to my Professor. The man gave a small nod before Hinata began to untie and shrug off the white robe. At that moment, I began to freak out.

I was right infront of the weirdly attractive model,  and was soon to see his naked body completely revealed to me for hours on end. I desperately wanted to complain, but didn't want to make a fool of myself, so kept quiet and looked down to my white canvas to try and not let Hinata see my embarrassed face.

"Right, now Hinata is in position, you may start painting. Feel free to change your canvas from portrait to landscape, depending where youre viewing him." I heard my professor call from his desk. I heard a collective pop of paint canisters being opened. I did that myself, placing it on the  stand next to me, still afraid to look up. I picked up my paintbrush with a shaky hand, intending to block out base colours first. My eyes darted up quickly, only to be met with the judging but soft look of Hinata's eyes staring into my own. My blush grew heavier as I tried not to squeal in suprise, immediately looking back down again to my canvas. I just needed to calm down, thay was all.

Hinata had one leg up and one leg facing me directly. His hands were behind his back and his head was tilted upwards, chest puffed outwards slightly.

I pushed my intrusive and inappropriate thoughts to the back of my mind, and looked up to get a good look at where to block out base tones and colours. I just needed to get through this without  embarrassing myself, that was all.

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