Patching Eachother Up

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TW: S//LF H//RM - please be careful. It's graphic. When re-reading to edit (as of 2021), i kind of struggled to get through it. Read at your own risk, there are plenty other oneshots in the book that dont include s/h.

(Thank you redriot122 for the idea)

He let out a wheezy laugh, the blades slicing along his upper thigh. Blood seeped out slowly, trickling along his leg, dripping onto the wooden boards of his floor. The boy was kneeling in his boxers, the familiarity of his dorm room surrounding him.

Nagito wasn't sure on how he came to this conclusion, standing up on shaky legs as he slowly made his way to his bathroom. He was sure of one thing though: self harm counted as bad luck. This meant he no longer had to live his life in fear, no longer had to take extreme precaution with every choice he made.

The only real negative Nagito saw was how much blood he had to clean up. Once he had poorly wrapped his legs in bandages and pulled his boxers back over his cuts, he looked back to the floor behind him. A trail of blood ran haphazardly along the floor, trailing throughout his room.

"How annoying..." he sighed to himself, walking back into the main area of his two-roomed dorm. He would have to get cleaning supplies from the kitchen if he wanted to get rid of the possible stains it could leave on the carpet infront of his bed.

Carefully pulling on a pair of knee length shorts, nagito grabbed his room key and walked out into the corridor, hearing his door click behind him.

It didn't take him long to grab bleach and a cloth from the kitchen for his room. And, luckily, he wasn't caught carrying them either. Nagito smiled to himself, proud.

That smile soon faded as the pale boy reached his room, only to find the door wide open. Standing in the doorway with his mouth slack, was Hinata.

"H-hinata-kun-!" His panic clear in his voice.

"Komaeda, what the hell?" Hajime looked just about as shocked as Nagito was.

"I- I can explain!" Nagito speed-walked over to his door, grabbing Hinata's shoulder and gently pushing him aside. "Look, I hafta- i have to clean this up. Please don't tell anyone."

"But there is blood all over your floor! I deserve an explanation!" Hajime exclaimed, putting both hands on Nagito's shoulders.

The taller boy looked down to his shoes in shame. "Don't shout so loud..." his trembling voice whispered. "I'll tell you later. If you dont mind me talking to you."

Nagito turned around, stepping into his dorm, shutting the door and locking it behind him.

After a while of just standing there, the boy slid down to the floor, hiding his head in his knees as he cried.


He was mainly embarrassed. Nagito hadn't intended to anyone to witness the burgundy blood now stained slightly onto the cream carpet floor of his dorm, let alone confess to what he'd been doing to himself.

But as he lay on his bed, facing the wall, cluching his head, he could hear his best friend - who also doubled up as his crush - pounding on the door impatiently. It had been a while since Nagito had cleaned up, and because it took him so long to stop crying, the blood had already stained and wouldn't come of with the school's watered down bleach. And since it had been a while after Hinata found out, the tanned boy hadn't turned back on his word and was promptly waiting at Nagito's door for answers.

"Nagito! C'mon, let me in. Whats the worst that could happen?" Nagito heard his friends voice from behind the door.

"Everything..." he mumbled, begrudgingly getting up from his bed and stumbling across his carpet to the cheap wooden door. He took a breath before slowly twisting the handle and pulling it towards him, stepping back as to let the tanned boy inside. Said male seemed suprised that Nagito had come out of his room with such great demand, but went with it anyway and stepped in, allowing Nagito to close the door behind him.

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