Chapter 1

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Thank you for clicking on this book. I know this is a very generic crossover but I tried to make the plot as different as possible. I will try to update every week. I don't own any of the characters but the plot and the characters that I come up with are completely my own creation. Hope you like it.


"Percy, Annabeth, Piper! Jason, Frank, and Hazel just arrived!" Leo told us as he bent over hands on his knees, panting. We all sheath our weapons and jog over to Thalia's tree from the fencing arena to find Thalia and Nico (and Will but that's a given because they are almost as inseparable as me and Annabeth) already there with Jason, Frank and Hazel. Jason, Frank and I bro hug while Hazel tackles Piper and Annabeth. We grab there bags and start walking towards the cabins while we catch up. Apparently so far Jason has only drawn out how the temples are gonna look so far and it's getting hard to fit in all the minor gods since the drawing are changing so drastically everyday. And Frank loves being praetor but he hasn't been able to spend as much time with Hazel so he planned to spend all of his vacation not leaving her side.

By the time we got all caught up the sun was already setting and it was time for dinner. We ate our food and walked over to the campfire to start singing the songs. We sang 'An Empousa Ate My Grandma' for the last song of the night and headed to our cabins for the night. With a dream free sleep I was up by 7 and went to wake Annabeth up so we could go feed the pegasi together.

Once we finished we headed to breakfast and sat down with rest of the seven. Ever since the war the individual cabin benches went away because when the Romans needed double the benches given each god had two names.

We just finished our offerings when Rachel ran up to our table. She comes up to us and says, "I need to talk to you ten NOW!" and starts walking to the beach. We hesitate but decide to follow her and as soon as we reach the sand I turn on her and demand, "What's going on!

"I found a letter for Chiron in my cave so I opened it and saw your names. But I couldn't read it because Chiron came by and saw I was holding an envelope with his name." She answers, "I have a feeling there's an another quest and all then of you need to go!" and with that declaration she stiffens and closes her eyes. Once she opens them, they were glowing green and emerald fog issued from her mouth. And when she spoke her voice was so raspy it was ancient.

"Children of gods shall meet the blessed

Where they can be assessed

The ten think they've seen it all

Even when the 'Chosen One' may fall

However when you meet darkness

That may invoke some starkness"

And with that happy note Rachel collapsed. Leo and Piper rushed to her side and supported her. They set her down and called for a few dryads to help bring her back to her cave. Everyone looked either stunned or resigned but all I could think was

No! Not again, I think as the ocean's waves get a little stronger, Of course I should have known! There was NO WAY WE CAN BE LEFT ALONE! CLEARLY SURVIVING TARTARUS ISN'T ENOUGH. Now the waves had turned into riptides. Like ONE peaceful year! That's all I'm asking! Is it that big of a deal! Why...can't... we...BE LEFT ALONE! The waves we're getting bigger and bigger with every word.

"SEAWEED BRAIN!", Annabeth screams trying to catch my attention but can't because my head feels like a hurricane. Then everything turns black.


I tackle Percy knocking him out so he didn't cause a tsunami. I pick him up and we all run to the Big House. We call Chiron and I set Percy down on the porch and feed him a little ambrosia.

The Darkness Awakes (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now