Chapter 3- The Journey

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  I wake up to the sun in my eyes. Ugh I forgot to close the blinds last night. I reach for my glasses and yawn. I get up groggily and head out of my door to get to Piper's room. I pass Annabeth's room and hear a bunch of voices in there. I knock and walk in. I see everyone sitting there deciding what the background story was so we were all caught up.

"Look who decided to show up! Good morning Sleeping Beauty!" Leo teased. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Piper.

"Chiron left a letter in Annabeth's bag with our back story. Ok so quick recap." Thalia told me, "We all went to an American wizarding school. It's called Ilvermorny. We all joined a club were we learned sword fighting because we all have ADHD. We are best friends and have known each other since we were 11. All our parents were left by single so we were outcast together. We were out casts because we're half-bloods. Our godly parents are the wizards. Anyway we transferred here because we wanted to explore Europe and the freak earthquakes made our families to send us away...Good?"

I nod making sure to memorize the lies.

"Oh and we're going to reveal that we're demigods halfway through the year." Nico told me. 

"Ok now that we all have a base story let's go eat!" Percy says after his growls.

Everyone laughs and agrees. We head downstairs to eat. We all get some omelets. We're halfway through our meal when Annabeth looks at her watch.

"Gods! It's 10:24! We need to get going!" Annabeth said, suddenly panicking.

"It's ok let me go ask the bartender how to get on the 'Knight Bus'..I think" Piper assures her and heads to the counter. She says something and the guy responds with some hand movements as if he was hailing a taxi. She nods and heads towards us.

"Ok so the bartender said we need to go to the street and stick our wands out." She told us.

"Like hailing a taxi?" Percy asked.

"Yup." She confirmed as Annabeth got up and headed to her room.

"Annie?" Thalia asked.

"Let's go! We can't be late! Let's go get our stuff and meet in 5 minutes at the entrance." Annabeth says and continues walking to the stairs. We all scramble to follow her.

Once we regroup at the entrance I decide to try hailing the bus. Feeling a bit stupid I walked to the edge of the pavement and stuck my wand out. For a moment nothing happened but then..


A gigantic pair of wheels and headlights screeched to a halt exactly in front of me. They belonged to a triple-decker, violently purple bus, which had appeared out of thin air. Gold lettering over the windshield spelled The Knight Bus.

Then a conductor in a purple uniform leapt out of the bus and began to speak loudly to the night. "Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening."

We all just stood there in shock. Piper was the first one to regain her senses.

"Um we would like to go to platform 9 3/4."

"Of course! Just come in and give me your fee.. which would be.." he took a moment to count, "99 Sickles". We grabbed our money bags that Chiron had given us and paid him. Them we grabbed our luggage and lugged it onto the bus.

Each floor was crammed with an assortment of mismatched chairs. Some seemed to have fallen over when the bus had stopped. Stan leads us through the first deck which was pretty full so we moved to the second and it was empty. He told us to sit wherever we wanted so we sat down in the back.

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