Chapter 7- Nightmares

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This chapter is dedicated to squirrelmonkey123 and UnordinaryAries.

Thalia POV

That night at dinner, all everyone was talking about was Harry's shouting match with Umbridge. They didn't even seem to care that he could hear them. In fact, it was as if they wanted him to get angry and start shouting again, so they could hear his story firsthand. We, on the other hand, knew what happened that night due because Chiron had already informed us what had happened the day Voldemort had risen, or at least everything Harry saw. To be honest, he wasn't the most aware person ever. Though every time any of us tried to talk to him about it he would flip the questions and try to find out more about us. I had a feeling he was suspicious of us. So to make sure we all have the same back stories we always were together in at least groups of two.

"What I don't get," said Harry, bringing me back to the present, "is why they all believed the story two months ago when Dumbledore told them."

"The thing is Harry, I'm not sure they did." said Hermione, glancing up. Once she realized all of us were listening she added, "Oh, let's get out of here." She got up followed by Harry but Ron hesitated for a moment, glancing sadly at his half-eaten apple pie, before getting up and following them to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boys. Once they were out of sight, Annabeth let out her breath.

"Ok they're gone. I'm sure everyone noticed how they're suspicious of us?" We all nodded.

"Yup I have no idea why though. Did we do something?" Percy said, helping himself to another treacle tart. This was the fifth one. I swear he eats more than some of the wolves in the Hunt.

"I think it's our tattoos." Hazel stated, pushing her plate aside.

"Why our tattoos?" Percy asked with his mouth full making Annabeth chide him. Once he apologized Hazel answered.

"I heard some girls talking about how a teacher at Durmstrang, another wizarding school, had the Dark Mark. Apparently the Dark Mark is a symbol of one's servitude to Voldemort and is on the person's forearm...and that's where our tattoos are. And I think the mist is covering them up to make them look like the Dark Mark."

"So they think we're working for Voldemort?!" Percy confirmed. Hazel nodded.

"That's why they don't say anything in front of us!" Annabeth realized.

"Let's go into the Common Room to keep an eye and ear on them, then," Jason decided. We all nodded and got to get up when Percy stopped us.

"Wait! Let me finish this." Percy said.

"Percy." Annabeth said in a warning tone. Not wanting for her to get mad Percy gave in and started to get up when a witch walked up to us.

"Hey, boys. Want a chocolate?" she asked, Jason, Percy, and Frank. They all looked around nervously.

"Um thanks, Romilda for asking, but we're really full," Jason stated apologetically. She looked very offended.

"What about you Percy. Leave the dumb blonde and eat the chocolate," Romilda said while twirling her hair with her finger. I almost scoffed. Why would that make her more desirable? I'll never understand the girls who throw themselves at boys.

"Dumb blonde?!" Annabeth seethed.

"Romilda, will you please tell us what you put in those chocolates?" Piper charmpspeaked before Annabeth could kill Romilda.

"I soaked them in a love potion," she said simply.

"How did you know Pipes?" Jason asked, looking amazed at his girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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