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" See you later," Alexa says after she walked with me to my door.

" Laters," I say back.

I quickly step into my room and close the door behind me. I leaned my back against it. All the thoughts that I kept at bay while Alexa and I did our chores, came flooding towards me.



The Red Circle.

It made my mind spin. I wasn't sure about what I should do. Calm down. Think about your training. A reckless mind is a dangerous mind but a mind at ease is a force to be reckoned with.

I walked over to the bed and sit in it. Momentarily, I gathered my thoughts and focused on my options. I had two options.
One: run away or two: take the risk and stay. I should go with one choice number one but I didn't shy away from a challenge. That wasn't in my nature. So, I only had option two.

However, I still didn't know if I can trust my organization so I'm sticking by the only person I can trust right now. Me.

If I'm going to stay here and complete the mission then we'll do it on my terms.

A loud knock on the door startles me.

" His majesty requests your presence," a guard says, letting himself into my room.

" No," I say definitively without leaving any room for negotiations. Since the red circle doesn't know what goes on behind these castle walls, I can handle the mission as I see fit. Yes, I was Alexander's new slave but it doesn't have to mean I do everything he says. Everyone doesn't get what they want, not even a King and time he learns a lesson in accepting the word "no".

The guard stared at me in disbelief.  He blinks a few times as if he didn't just hear that.

" King Alexander would like to see you now," he says repeating himself.

" Yes I heard you the first time and the answer is still no." My words come out strong, powerful, and self-assured. I was proud of myself for standing my ground.

" No one tells the King no."

" I just did."

The guards look me up and down. He knows if he goes back to Alexander empty-handed then he would get fired or worst sentence to vampire exile.

The guard rushes forward then stops.

" If you touch me I promise you'll regret," I say standing up. I stretch out my limbs and get ready for a fight. " On second thought, I haven't had a conflict in months. Bring it on. Give me your best shot."

I challenged him, staring up with a cocky smirk. I crack my knuckles and roll my neck. This should be fun.

The guard advances at me, furious. I get in a defensive stance. Just when I was about to lash out and sweep his legs from underneath him, Eric shows up.

He quickly grabs the guard and slams him into the wall.

" Have you ever heard that no means no. I think my brother wouldn't like it if he knew you were about to hurt what's his," Eric said in the guard's face.

The guard face drained of all color. He was already pale before but face turned even paler.

"You're dismissed. And if I ever catch you so much lay a finger on another slave then I won't show mercy. Now leave," Eric says releasing the guard's collar.

As soon as Eric released the guard, he disappeared.

Eric faced me. He wiped his hands off as if there were dust on them. In a blink of an eye, he crossed the small distance between us.

" Answer me this question Violet was you really going to take the guard on?" He questioned me, grey eyes staring into mine.

" Yes," I say honestly.

" Interesting."

Eric reaches out and grabs a lock of my hair, twirling around his finger. I didn't like him touching me. It didn't compare to his brother. No, his brother made me hot all over. Sometimes when I'm daydreaming, my mind would travel back to the memories of Alexander's lips on mine, how they'd felt. How'd I enjoyed the feeling of my lips being kissed and my skin being touched?

My body just reacted for him like its known him all its life. I hated it. And that's why from here on out, he's not going to lay another finger on me. I tried unsuccessfully in the past to not succumb to his touch. This time will be different.  Over the past hours, I've changed a lot.

It became crystal clear to me that Alexander Knight is a monster. As a vampire hunter, I swore an oath to protect humanity from him and his kind and I will do just that.

"You're absolutely exquisite. My brother is a lucky man," Eric says letting go of my hair.

I didn't say thank you to his compliment. I could tell that it bothered him but he chooses to ignore it.

" You don't talk much do you?" He questioned.

My patience was wearing thin. " What are you doing here?"

" I was walking by when I heard some commotion. I quickly rushed over and good thing I did because the guard would have dragged you out by your hair,"  he says.

I doubted that. I could handle the guard. He was a child's play.

Eric smiled. He tried to come off as easy-going but it just felt creepy.

" I guess I'm your knight in shining armor," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. Oh, God.

Eric chose to ignore my eye roll too. Good obedient slaves didn't do half the things I'm doing. It made Eric's hand itched and the only relief he would get is punishing me. However, he decided to spare me.

" Are you sure you want to tell my brother no? Very few people do."

" Yes."

" As you wish. I will relay the message but you should know that's will be consequences," Eric states matter of factly.

Spare me the lecture.

Eric walks out the door and closes it behind him. Momentarily, I start wondering if I  made a terrible mistake.

But wasn't coming here some sort of mistake anyways?

Even so, there was no way I was going to see him. I already made up my mind.

I lay back down on the bed, and stare up at the ceiling.

A few minutes later, there's another knock on the door.

What now?

I'm not going no matter what. They would have to sedate me and carry me out.

" I already told you, I'm not going," I say, opening the door.

Instead of being met by another guard, or worst Eric, I'm greeted by Alexander.

I take a step back.

He leans against the doorway, arms crossed against his strong chest. His head his titled down giving me a better look at his blue eyes. I inhaled sharply. He looked hot standing in a form-fitting black shirt and jeans. His t-shirt pressed hard against his torso. I clicked my tongue as I counted six clearly defined abdominal muscles.

 I met his eyes and force myself not to look away.

" I heard that you didn't want to see me," he says confidently.

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