Twenty-seven part. 2

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" Are you going to spank me again? Is that what you think will keep me in line?"

" Yes, if that's what it takes."

" I have a bad habit of not doing as I'm told. Your hand is going to be blistered."

He smiled with satisfaction. His eyes glistening. " I certainly hope so."

I will not let this man break me.

" I'm supposed to clean for you today. What needs clean?" I asked. It was clear that he requested me personally to clean his penthouse sized wing.

" The suite. It's very dirty." As he says the word dirty, his gaze was concentrated on my chest. I couldn't help but notice his rugged good looks, and the way his jeans hugged him, accentuating his muscular thighs and the thick bulge between them. Embarrassed, I looked away.

I took a second glance around his place. It didn't look dirty to me. The place was spotless. Too clean even.

" Where shall I begin?" I desperately needed to get my mind off of him. I needed a distraction.

" Anywhere but before you start, I want you to wear this."  Now he seems amused as he holds out a sexy maid uniform in front of me. So that's what he had to get for me? A maid uniform that barely covered up anything?

The uniform was two sizes too small. I would barely be able to fit in it. There's no way in hell I'm going to go through with this. Alexander wanted a sexy fantasy but I'm not playing along.

Not this time. This is where I draw the line and take back control.

" No, I'm not wearing that," I tell him.

" No?" He mirrored.

" Absolutely not."

I'm tired of Alexander getting his way.

" You seem to think that I've given you a choice, love."

" I'm not wearing that skimpy outfit. It's degrading."

" You will because it pleases me."

" You don't own me. "

He stood in eerily silence, gazing at me. His expression is unreadable. I've pushed him too far.

His reaction didn't come for a full minute, and only after he took a deep exhale through his nose, did he come at me. His hand wrapping around my hair and yanking.

" What are you doing? Let go of me!" I shout enraged.

I yelped when his hold tightened, and he ground his hips against my front. His cock was thick, hard as a rock.

" Showing you who's in control," he hissed.

I twist to get away from him, but it was useless. He's too strong.

Alexander backs me up against the door. He releases my hair and places his hand on my waist, using his grip on my waist to force me around so I'm facing the door. He lifts one hand around the front of my dress. A slight growl leaves his lips as I hear stitches popping as he roughly yanks the dress off of me.

I was stunned at my body's reaction, the way my core tingled.

" I want you naked. Bare before me," he says with a wild look in his eyes.

My heart was beating out of my chest. He looks beautiful, primal, and downright divine. I was mortified by how turned on he made me.

In a swift move his fingers, wrapped around my panties, ripping them away with ease. I wasn't wearing a bra which left me completely nude in front of him.

" You are going to learn to obey without question," his husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

" Never!"

He wrapped his hand around my hair, yanking hard. The pain coursing through my system was exhilarating. I was so lost in blinding hunger that I didn't realize he walked us over to the dining room table. Using his hold to force me against it. He slammed his hand down so hard that I jumped.

" You're not in control, Violet. I am. The sooner you get that through your head the better. But in the meantime, I'll teach you."

" You're nothing but an evil creature that is forsaken." I struggled in his hold.

" That may very well be true. I never hid my true self from you."

" No but you have only given me pleasure. In an attempt to convince me that hitting me is okay. Well, it's not okay. I'm not okay with this at all."

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