Twenty-seven part.3

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He hissed and pushed me down, leaning over. " I'm not going to harm you any more than you enjoy. What you don't seem to understand is that I do care for you, Violet. From the very first time I laid eyes on you, I refused to settle for any other woman."

I feel his hand on my ass, a promise of what is to come. " I'm not an object."

" No you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

His words shouldn't have impressed me, but I was thrown off by the sincerity.

" Please, let me go."

" Is that what you truly want," he reaches down cupping and squeezing my breasts. " Your nipples are hard and I can smell your arousal. I'd say you're looking forward to this spanking more than you let on."

" No you're...," my voice trailed off as he pinched and twisted my nipples in a brutal manner. I was surprised at my body's reaction, how my core tingled. " Wrong." I finished, defiance in my tone.

He chuckled darkly in my ear. " I'm always right, my beautiful Violet."

The thought of him being right was terrifying. I didn't want Alexander to spank me hard to teach me a lesson. I didn't push his every buttons to see just how far he would go. And I secretly, didn't crave the firm hand that he insisted I needed.


Hell no!

The thought was revolting. But I couldn't deny my body's reaction to him. Yes, I was wet. Yes, I wanted this man to claim me inside and out.

I hated to admit it but maybe Alexander was right.

" Now, hold your position," he releases his hold on me. His voice calm like he was simply giving orders.

I just seemed to react to his command, easing my face against the cool wood, and stretching my arms out to hold onto the table. I take a deep breath preparing myself.

" You will be getting nine strikes for your continued disobedience. I want you to count them out loud."

Alexander massaged my bottom before spanking it hard. I jumped involuntarily at the sudden impact.

" One, sir," I say, my voice flat.

The spanking continued, one coming immediately after the other. The pain turned into anguish, forcing cries from my throat. But I refused to cry. I would never give him the satisfaction.

My grip became white knuckles and I focused on my breathing. Delicious pain coursed through each cheek. I closed my eyes in shame as my juices trickled from my core, leaking onto my inner thigh.

The ninth strike came quickly.

Alexander shoved two fingers past my swollen folds, flexing as he thrust deep inside of my pussy as far as possible. " So fucking wet for me. My little submissive is quite the masochist."

" Oh," I moan. The way my pussy clenched as his fingers thrust into me again and again. Brutal and unyielding. The anguish was blinding. My nipples ached. On some level I wanted this. Needed this.

Alexander kicked out my legs, widening them as far as they could go. My back arching. Panting, my pussy clamped around his fingers, trying desperately to draw him further in.

He gripped the back of my neck, pulling me up flush against him never stopping his movements inside of me.

I was so close.

He angled my head up to look at him. His eyes on mine. " You will soon learn that you belong to me. Your mouth belongs to me. Your pussy belongs to me. And your tight little asshole belongs to me. To fuck. To punish. Whatever and whenever I decide."

" Yes, I..." The room was spinning, my heart racing. I knew what he was saying. He wanted me. All of me.

There was a faint buzzing.

Alexander stills his movement. Completely withdrawing his fingers from me. He slams his fist on the table. " Fuck."

Reaching into his pocket he pulls out an iPhone. " What?"

The anger in his tone evident.

" Give me ten minutes." He ends the call.

He looks at me. His hard expression begins to soften as he studies my face.

" I have somewhere else I need to be. I won't be back today so don't expect a guard to come to get you tonight."

" When will you return?" I dared to ask.

" Tomorrow evening. Feel free to wear something of mine since I ruined your dress."

I glanced down at my ripped uniform. Yea, I'm definitely going to need another one.

" Thanks," I reply.

Alexander's hand reached out to cup my face. " Don't worry my dear sweet Violet. When I come back I will finish what I started. Soon I will come for you and you will not fight me. I will break you, use you, and there will never be another."

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