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I woke up to the sound of the door being opened.

" Wake up, princess. You have a guest," the guard who threw me in here said.

He left and a strange man stood in his place.

I sit up on the bed and watch the man walk in. He closed the door behind him, leaving us in complete darkness since the room had no windows.

" Do you know who I am?" he asks walking closer to me. His voice was like honey but all wrong.

I peer into the darkness. Even with my heightened senses, I couldn't make him out.

" No," I answer.

He kept walking closer. " How about now?"

" No."

" What about now," he questions, reaching the edge of the bed.

My mouth goes dry. "You are the-"

" Vampire King Alexander Knight," he finished for me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The actual King of Vampires was standing right in front of me.

Adrain said he was an original. One of the oldest vampires around. When we went to his hotel room to change, he told me all I needed to know about Alexander and why this mission was so important.

Alexander has ruled over vampires for over a thousand years. He was cold and ruthless and had more blood on his hands than any other vampire.

He kills with no mercy and takes what he wants.

His power scared vampires. They wanted him gone, so they hired the Red Circle to take care of their problem.

Why would my employers take the job and help something they've sworn to get rid of?

I'm not sure, but I trust them.

My mission was simple. Become his royal slave and get him to bite me. My blood will be poisonous enough to kill him. Adrain with the help of my employers will take care of the rest.

By the end of the briefing, Adrain showed me a photo of Alexander to make sure I knew what he looked like.

When my eyes landed on the photo, I kept my composure. However, my heart skip a beat.

Alexander was the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on.

He looked like a dark angel with his wavy black hair. He had the face every Hollywood director wanted and piercing blue eyes.

Everything about him screamed danger. Stay away. But that only attracted me more.

The moment I finally looked away and glanced up at Adrain. He smiled knowingly like he knew what effect his King had on me.

I glanced at Alexander. I could see him a lot better now. He had black hair, a gorgeous face, and gray eyes.

Wait, Alexander has blue eyes.

" Your not Alexander," I say to the imposter.

He smiled devilishly. " Clever girl. Most people can't tell us apart. My name is Eric. I'm Alexander twin brother."

Funny, Adrain didn't mention that Alexander had a brother. They did look alike though. Almost identical except for the eyes. Eric's was a soft gray.

" Where is Alexander?" I asked confused. This wasn't part of the plan. Honestly, I don't know if were even going by a plan any more.

" Don't worry you'll see my brother soon at the ceremony."

My eyebrows rose. " What ceremony?"

Eric smiled, showing his perfect white teeth and fangs. " Every year Alexander chooses a slave to be his and only his. Then once the year is up, the slave is free to go."

Okay, so now I have a little further to go. I just have to win his brother over at the ceremony. Which shouldn't be hard.

I think.

After this is over, I deserve a nice long vacation.

Eric glanced at his watch. " We must go now. My brother is very impatient man. But first," he stops throwing a long cream dress at me, " you should change to match the others."

Before I could react, he vanished out the door.

So their are other women.


I quickly undress and put on the other dress. It fit loosely, flowing down my body. I decided to not to wear the black boots and go bear foot.

With my half-vampire blood, my skin could handle it.

Eric knocked on the door. " Ready?"

" Yea."

He opened the door, walking towards me. His gray eyes on me. They were compelling, mesmerizing. All I could do was stare into them, feeling pulled in by some unknown force.

As soon as I realized, what was happening. That I was being glamored. It was to late.

Eric was right in front of me.

" You will feel a pinch," he says, poking a needle in my arm. I felt the serum fill my veins.

I wince. " What did you give me?"

Suddenly, my head felt light and my legs gave out from under me.

Eric arms snaked around my small waist. " I got you."

His voice was deep and husky.

I wanted to talk, say anything but I couldn't. My eyes felt heavy, and before I knew it they were closed.

Then everything went black.

A/N: Some of you guys may be wondering what is glamoring?

Glamoring is an ability a vampire has to compel humans to do what they want.

Since Violet is half-human, she can be glamored too.

As always, thank you for reading :)

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