(English translation,also done by myself,of my original Spanish poem "La Casa de los Atlantes)
This area of these shores, this café, these walls....They knew so much!
The creaking of the wooden slats on the upper floor
allying with the colourful fauna inside the gray basement:
the toad game, the trick grame, the broom(another old cards game)...
The fantasy of an eternal chess ...
The silence of a loser...
The daily parade of the Old Black Faustine, with her starched skirt,her songs, her dances, and those girls' laughter,just in the backyard of that house of the Atlanteans,hidden among orange and lemon trees.
It was with the Angelus' bells,
At about five o'clock in the afternoon, when the first lamp was lit ..
PoetryNUEVA Y BELLÍSIMA PORTADA: GENTILEZA DE LA SEÑORITA @NEBHEYS He decido publicar todos mis poemas y pequeños trozos de prosa poética en un solo volumen,en una Antología. El título es el original en latín de la antigua fórmula del Paternoster (Padren...