20 | through the images

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• [ t h r o u g h t h e i m a g e s ] •

♥ gabriel ♥

IF I HAD to describe myself in one word, I can guarantee that prude would most definitely not be on the list, but right now I was millimetres away from publicly declaring myself as a celibate. Cathy the receptionist at Holland Park and Norland Square Hospital was extremely eager to jump my bones and had me pressed me against the wall of the storage room, her hands gripping my biceps desperately.

I grimaced, forcing myself to press my lips against hers whilst warily eyeing the computer in the corner of the room. We'd been at it for the last 7 minutes judging by the clock fitted high up on the wall above the numerous storage cabinets and documents; frankly, I couldn't have begged for time to go any faster.

Then she began unbuttoning my shirt.

God no, please no. Save me from this situation. I promise I won't drink for two days. Three days. Four? That's extensive. Three days. I won't drink for three days. Just help me come up with an excuse.

A grin grew from the corner of my mouth as something clicked. Holding back an eye roll, I moaned even louder, running my hands down her dress before leaning away from her. I did my best to ensure it looked as if I had to force myself to move away from her when in reality, it came quite naturally. "Babe, slow down a minute. I need to check those records before we carry on. Otherwise, I'll get too damn distracted by you and forget."

Cathy groaned after the lack of contact before shaking her head. "Fine, I'll give you that one," she said breathlessly before biting her lip. "Don't keep me waiting too long otherwise I'll pounce."

Smirking to hide a sigh of relief, I walked towards the computer in the corner of the room. She followed me, typing in her credentials before giving me a nod. "Go on then, this stays between us though."

"Of course, my lady," I responded with a wink, before going on the files area of the computer.

To be completely honest, I didn't have any fucking clue what I was looking for or how I was going to find anything. All I had was a date, a loose description and a wrecked car to help me. Holland Park and Norland Square Hospital was the flagship hospital of the National Health chain and I hoped they would have a shared portal of documents for all their hospitals. Thankfully they did.

After a couple of minutes of useless browsing, I exhaled and leaned back on the chair. "This is pointless," I mumbled under my breath, rubbing my forehead. I wasn't getting anywhere.

I was hoping I would find something. Anything. Big or small.

I felt a hand in my shoulder and looked up to see an almost naked Cathy who had taken it upon herself to undress whilst I was on the computer. "You're looking for records, right? I'm not going to ask why because I don't want to hear something that I can't keep to myself. I probably shouldn't be telling you this but try looking in the cases folder. There might be something there. It's worth a shot." She placed her hand on top on mine on the mouse before moving it to the cases folder that I'd somehow missed and clicking twice.

"Oh. Um, thanks." My eyes fell upon a folder named 'young cases' inside which there was a huge number of folders. The image of a ghostly female figure of small height and stature was deeply engraved in my mind after uncountable long nights of those memories torturing me.

Well, she was certainly young.

Gulping as those terrible thoughts invaded me again, I focused my mind on what I was doing right now, blasting away the emotions of guilt, confusion and fear.

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