29 | offer of harmony

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♥ louisa ♥

TED BAKER SUITCASES were so overrated, I thought to myself as I strode besides Logan towards the duty free Harrods shop where we had agreed to meet everyone.  When I was packing my suitcase yesterday, I had ranted to Marie and Julia how flowery pink suitcases with golden bows on them were simply embarrassing and almost childish. They'd suggested I took my Louis Vuitton suitcase, which was also a lot bigger, instead.

We had just passed through security and had some time before our first class flight to Sydney airport. Check in had taken a lot longer than usual due to the overly motherly airport staff who was in awe at how attractive a couple Logan and I made.

The outcome was a painful twenty minute episode of her showering us with blessings for a successful life of marriage and babies.

Logan arched his head towards me and quirked a small smile, "You look cute."

I gazed down at the oversized black hoodie and joggers I was wearing before rolling my eyes at my highly unsophisticated outfit. He snorted as I bit the inside of my cheek beginning to wish I'd worn something more fitting instead.

Who cared? It was a 18 hour flight and I valued comfort over elegance.

Besides my glossy black hair beneath my cap in addition to my vintage trainers compensated for the lack of effort.

I exhaled shortly before following Logan deeper into the shop.

Three girls stood talking in the shop next to a slender icy haired man looking as if he desperately needed some male company.

A smile pulled onto my face as I watched Arlo stare emptily into space, probably dreaming about a parallel universe where he didn't have to listen to Ashlei, Talisa and Lexi chit-chat about shopping.

God, I felt bad for him. Prince had promised he would be here early but text ten minutes ago that he was running late.

Lexi was clad in her usual tight minidress with her hair in curls whilst Talisa had traded her usually loose brown hair for a messy bun. Ashlei was wearing some crazy outfit, no doubt advertising Vivianne Westwood's latest fashion line.

Butterflies flew around in my stomach at what Talisa's reaction would be when she saw me. She still didn't know I was coming and I hoped that after all the effort of security and check in, she wouldn't be bothered enough to bail out. I wanted to sort stuff out with her before the trip began

However before I could call out to them and watch Talisa's reaction, a dreadfully familiar voice that I hoped to be free from for a week beat me to it.

Oh God, no. Please. No.


My head whipped backwards so fast I thought I'd broken my neck.

Because standing next to Prince by the door of the shop was Gabriel Reid, dressed in black tracksuits, a grey hoodie and white trainers.

Fuck, no.

He wasn't supposed to be here.

"Matching outfits too," I smiled sarcastically to myself, rubbing by forehead as hard as I could and mumbling quietly under my breath.  "Absolutely perfect."

Gabriel's call had drawn everyone's attention (including Talisa's) away from whatever they were doing and for a good few seconds, all froze and looked at each other.

Talisa was probably wondering why she'd been told that I wouldn't be coming. She was glowering so hard at me, I thought I'd burn up on the spot.

Logan was glaring daggers at Gabriel, visualising ways in which he could murder him.

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