37 | sinners become saints

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♥ louisa ♥

GABRIEL TRAILED BEHIND me as we quickly exited the club. As soon as we stepped onto the side street, the winds whipped around my bare arms and a shiver crept up my backless dress. It was moderately warm yet the midnight breeze still packed a punch.

He automatically took off his jacket and went to hand it to me yet I quickly put my hand out in a stop gesture.

"Save it."

Gabriel looked as if he were about to insist but silently put it back on after seeing the finality in the look I gave him.

I was still fuming at what he'd done and however much I hated to admit it, it was mostly because I wasn't sure how much of it all had been an act to make Logan jealous.

Don't be daft, Louisa. You know what he's like. You were an idiot for letting down your guard for a while.

Beneath my white dress, I felt my body tense in anger at myself for getting too caught up in the tornado swirling in his pretty eyes. That damn distinctive cologne that smelt of the stormy sea, musk and him. Just him. Only him.

Tapping my long nails against my thigh as I walked, I tried to think about the present moment and control my emotions.

"I'd seen Lexi taking to some guys at the corner of the street earlier. She should still be there. Logan was with me when we saw her so he's probably come here too."

"Why are we going to Lexi again?" Gabriel asked tiredly.

If I hadn't been so angry, I'd have felt sympathetic at the fact that everything must be so confusing from his perspective. Yet the bitchy part of me didn't care so chose not to answer.

Earlier on after I had left Talisa with Gabriel, Logan had compelled me to go on a stroll with him where I learned something very surprising about Lexi Walton.

Or should you say the girl who's decided to keep a baby that is better off not being born? Our environment's too tainted for something as pure as a child. It would only end up getting destroyed, its goodness lost in the wind.

When Logan had told me that Lexi had decided to not abort her pregnancy as she usually did, I was surprised but not concerned. Her decision quite frankly didn't have anything to do with me. It was her and only her choice. I hated her and always would for sleeping with my father, unknowingly or not. Nothing would change that.

Nevertheless, Logan was evidently more interested in her decision. Since Talisa's party when Lexi got too drunk and exposed Logan's deal with her, he'd been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make her pay.

I was pretty certain this was it.

"I never told you to come with me. You can gladly go back to chugging that half filled bottle of rose if you want," I snapped more harshly than I intended.

That's ironic coming from someone who's part of the reason why he drinks so much.

Gabriel held his hands up in surrender, zipped his lips shut and supposedly flicked away the key. Rolling my eyes, I noticed how the group of men Lexi had been flirting with earlier had vanished and been replaced by Logan.

"Ah, there's the prick," Gabriel sang, immediately forgetting about his supposed vow of silence. I swiftly pulled him back when he began walking towards them. "Wait, what? I thought we came here to talk to them."

I knew better than to get in Logan's way when he was this irritated. He was pissed off at me and there was a good chance he wasn't thinking straight. The fact that Logan hadn't said anything when he'd seen Gabriel and I in the club made it even worse.

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