47 | out for blood

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warning: scenes of violence

• [ o u t f o r b l o o d ] •

♥ louisa ♥

WHAT WAS CHRISTMAS without any magic?

Nothing more than another cold, wintry day where people wished they had someone who'd keep them warm.

My Christmas day had composed of a tense meal with my parents where each of us tiptoed on ice and avoided the elephant in the room. As soon as our plates had become clean, we all retreated into our bedrooms in the empty house, tending to our own business. They probably hadn't even realised that I'd left the house ten minutes ago.

Like a pearl trapped in a clam, the huge lump remained clawed to my throat as I signed off the letter I'd been writing.

- Love From Lou x

I frowned slightly, my lips falling downwards when I noticed how shaky my handwriting had been. I'd only be lying to myself if I said the cause of it was the vibrations of the taxi. The sinking feeling in my heart suggested that if I were still in my bedroom, I'd be a complete mess.

Glancing at my slim wrist to check the time, I slid the letter into an envelope and wrote 'Gabe' in black cursive on the top. I put it in my handbag.

7.57 pm

Three minutes to go.

I didn't know if the next hour would lead to my demise. What was certain was that it would lead to his.

An odd hollowness filled me as I thought about my time at Forteaux Academy. It had been a poisonous remedy. A remedial poison. Something that had a fair deal of highs and lows.

I guess things don't have to be perfect to be significant.

My reign was soon to come to an end however, strangely enough, I didn't feel the terror or restlessness that I'd always imagined at facing the internal devastation. It felt like I was turning over a new leaf.

I knew that the peace within me was going to be disturbed as soon as I saw Logan Thornton's face. All my pent up wrath was going to be released the split second my eyes fell upon the man who had mercilessly shattered my already broken pieces into smithereens, hurt those I loved to get his way and doused the beauty of life with fire.

He would soon be burnt with the very flames of the thing he was obsessed with.

Thanking and paying the cab driver, I stepped out onto the empty streets overlooking the calm river. The day that Gabriel and I had come to this exact place after meeting at that patisserie was freshly engraved in my mind. It had been one of the very few days where I'd forgotten about the shadows haunting me and instead embraced the laughter and joy that the moment had brought.

My blazing eyes were set on the tall man who lurked by the Thames, arms rested against the barrier.


"Look who finally turned up." He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt with a fitted grey woollen blazer over the top, that skimmed his slim, toned figure. A half-full bottle of alcohol was in his hand.

The coppery strands of his hair were combed backwards, presumably for his family Christmas celebration, revealing the square structure of his face and uneven jaw that people seemed to think made him more attractive than he already was.

I could feel his eyes raking through me and to be frank, I didn't blame him.

The silk white slip dress I had worn fell towards the floor in weightless waves, skimming my body at the right places. The nude jacket hung from my shoulders matching the sensual colour on my lips. I figured that if things were going down tonight, I may as well sink looking like a damn deity.

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