22.5 | expression of hurt

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• [ e x p r e s s i o n o f h u r t ] •

♥ gabriel ♥

GETTING TALKED ABOUT by others when you're right in front of them never gives you a good feeling, especially when you have a middle-aged asshole smirking at you whilst an audience of couples and grandma's eating croissants oggle in your direction.

"Being so attractive has its downsides," I shrugged vainly, my cheeks pulling into a sincere expression as I answered her question.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance before whispering. "Please shut up and let me sort this out."

I folded my arms, tipping an imaginary hat. My pebble coloured eyes twinkled in a concoction of sarcasm, mischief and alcoholic remnants. "Yes, ma'am."

"Louisa?" The woman, who I presumed to be the manager, asked. She gave me a dirty look from the corner of her eye before continuing her conversation. "Do you know this man, Louisa?"

Just when I was beginning to think ladies couldn't help falling at my feet.

Louisa unsubtly bit the inside of her lips, that were carefully painted a matte nude shade, as if holding back a scream. "Yes. Yes, I do. I can explain, Catherine." My eyes wandered across her figure loosely as she made up some story.

Her toned legs seemed to run on forever whilst her delicate ankles were partially covered by nude heels, coated in a glossy sheen that highlighted their dainty size; one strap wrapped itself around her toes whilst the other was laced enticingly around her ankle. Lou gestured as she spoke, occasionally lifting her slim, model-like arms before dropping them to her side again. A few expensive-looking silver rings sat proudly on her fingers, glinting in the light that entered in through the shop window.

Damn, she sure was something.

"...it's just that he suffers from periods of abnormal behaviour and unfortunately, he must have slipped into one of those moods. I do apologise sincerely on behalf of him and I'll get him to write an apology to your employee Christopher as soon as he's in a better state of mind."

You know that joint that links your jaw and skull? In that moment, mine loosened considerably as my mouth fell open. She was telling people I was crazy? I held back a laugh of disbelief and instead, putting on an act as they looked at me in pity. Yeah, and she said she was going to 'sort this out.'

Ironically, it worked and within minutes Lou had sorted out the situation and we were sitting in a secluded corner of the place with everything returned to normal. It turned out her parents practically kept this place afloat owned meaning the staff couldn't throw us out even if they dared unless they wanted the company they were walking out to go bust. Louisa somehow convinced them to give us a seat on the rooftop terrace.

To be honest, I wasn't sure whether they agreed because of how affluent Lou was or because they thought I was a harm to other customers.

"Periods of abnormal behaviour?" I asked, swirling what remained of the surprisingly good latte around in the cup. The corners of her mouth lifted as she smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"It did the job." Narrowing her eyes, she leant towards me. "Plus I get to see you struggle to write a sappy apology letter to Christopher. The thought of that fills me with joy."

"I can't contain my excitement at that part," I said dryly, my voice submerged in sarcasm. "I can imagine what I'm going to say. Dear Christopher, you utter twat. I hope you bubble in a cauldron of lava and poison until you grow so delusional that you see a hundred duplicates of yourself for company. Hopefully, then, you'll understand how utterly painful and ultimately sad your personality is. Lots of love. Gabriel. Ex oh ex oh."

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