26 | golden cinnamon rolls

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♥ gabriel ♥

ANANYA PUSHED ME backwards in anger; she packed a surprising shove for somebody so small. I laughed in disbelief, my already tousled hair getting even messier due to the force of the wind that had suddenly picked up. "Chill out babe. I don't know why you're getting so frustrated. All I said was that we can't go back to mine."

The pretty faced girl had completely flipped the moment I'd told her that I wasn't going to bring her back to my house. "We can go to yours instead or even rent a hotel room if you're one of those fancy girls."

Way to sound like an absolute asshole, Gabe.

I shrugged it off, an idiotic beam slapped on my face that I blamed on the alcohol I'd chugged at the library as Ananya wrested against me.


Yet another successful dodge.

The Asian girl's hair was disarrayed completely satisfying the sultry I-just-got-out-of-bed-look; I wasn't sure whether it was due to the bitter weather or our tryst that we intended on continuing.

"You don't understand!" she shouted, as I leaned against the gates of Forteux eyeing the security camera pointed in our direction. A fifty-seven year old creep could be watching us right now.

Giving up on the I'll-beat-the-crap-outta-you technique, Ananya wrapped her hands around my folded arms, looking at me with huge doe eyes. Her darker eyes fluttered a few times as she pouted her lips. "Please?"

I stared at her intently as if I were about to agree before giving her a shit eating grin and imitating her. "Pwetty please?" My face dropped, replacing my expression with an amused smile and eye roll. "No. Sorry, I already told you. We're not going back to mine. Why are you so keen to come to mine anyway?"

She probably wanted to steal my hoodie or something. Girls really couldn't keep their hands of me. My ego had risen monumentally since I found out the seemingly emotionless Talisa had a crush on me. 

My eyebrows furrowed as I remembered something; Lou still hadn't given me back my black hoodie that I'd lent her the night I saw her on the bus. Dammit, that was my favourite black jumper that I'd got from a Weeknd concert. I'd have to remind her.

The words I'd said  to trigger something as Ananya erupted in another roar of annoyance. "Oh, for god's sake Gabriel! I need to check if you and Lo-" She stopped halfway through her words, quickly moving her shiny hair out of her eyes.

I was too drunk to notice and instead was busy fiddling with the crumpled up note that I'd put in my pocket. "I don't care where we go. Can we just decide already? I can't wait any longer, Gabriel."

She impatiently bit her lips as I dragged myself away from the black gates. "Come on then, let's go."

One Langham hotel room and two pairs of clumsy hands later, I stared at the gold chandelier hanging above me watching how the rays of light dissipated towards the surrounding, illuminating the room in a beautiful warm glow. The warm lighting radiated on my smooth tanned skin as I breathed deeply, listening to the instrumental music playing from the gramaphone.

Despite the fact we'd split the cost of the room, a couple hours in one of the most expensive hotels in london didn't go dowm well with my bank account. I'd have to suck to up Nanna and clean the windows or something if I wanted any chance at increasing my allowance.

"Ah shit," I swore under my breath as her face came to mind. I should have gone there immediately; as soon as I had got Logan's note. If he had done something to her I'd never forgive myself. I was such a fucking idiot. Messing around with others girls when I had bigger things to worry about. I look another deep breath.

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