"Wakey, wakey!" Helen was shaking me gently.


"It's Lia's wedding today."

"Okay." I said as I fall back to sleep.

"Willow." Helen pulls my blanket off of me.

"Fine." I groan.


Well, since Eric didn't have many friends, he only has Eddy groomsmen and Eli as his best men.

So Lia only have Alice as her Maid of honour and Lilia as her bridesmaids, even though she wants bridesmaids a lot more than this.

Helen also help out for the wedding, because she's an intern.

And me? I'm just there to ravel in her joy, like most of the other people.

I change into my gown, and I put on the bracelet Nolan gave me, and the Locket my paren bought when we're twelve. Like Helen, Paris and Bella, I never went anywhere without it.

I put Nolan's letter in my drawer, just today, I don't need to remember him.

Just today.


I knock on the bridal room, "Can I come in?"


I open the door, "Oh my Gosh!" I gasp

Lia was wearing the most gorgeous dress I have seen, which is not much, but it fit her scene, she always wants a wedding like a princess.

Lia was wearing the most gorgeous dress I have seen, which is not much, but it fit her scene, she always wants a wedding like a princess

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"I have to tell you, Aunt Pony is the only one that can pick out a dress." Lia smiles,

"Ma's pretty good at doing this." I smiles back, "Are you nervous?"

"A little bit, but knowing the person on the other side of the aisle is the person you love and can spent your entire life with him, that calms my nerves."

"At least you're not like your mom." Aunt Rose said as she walks in, "She's So worry about your dad changing his mind, we end up have to blindfolded him and bring him to her so we can calm her down."

"Do we need to talk about that?" Aunt Faith Saha as she walk in.

"Hey Twin, you ready?" Alice asks.

"I'll head to the hall, and I'll see you all there." I said

"Bye, Will,"


The ceremony is going to start in a minute, but there's no sign of Uncle Kyle and Aunt Bee.

Ruby and Bri was with us last right at the hotel with Lia, Joey was with Eric, that's why they're here.

"Dad and Mom aren't picking up the phone." Ruby said.

"Well, they probably just over slept." Joey said, "The ceremony is starting, we'll call them later."

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