"Umm...Willow?" Helen shouts from the other said of the phone, "You better come and see this! This is not good."

She opens up her camera, and we look at Josh, who was beaten up in a parking lot, lay on the ground unconscious.

"I'll be there with in a sec." I said ans I hung up.

"Nolan?" I open his door and push him out.

"Will, as I say, you need to knock."

"There's no time for that."

I also grab Paris, but then I decided to leave Nolan at home, he'll gather up everyone and meet us at the hospital.

Helen already called 911, and Paris is cleaning all the bloods on him.

My phone ring, and I pick it up, "Hello?"

"Will?" I look at the number,

"Bell? What's wrong?" I ask as Paris and Helen look at me.

"Are Ma and Pa okay, or anyone else?" She asks, "I accidentally drop my cups and that gives me a bad feeling, and unfortunately those two yahoos I live with are fine, so I want to check."

"Sis, sometimes I don't really know how you do it." I told her, "Josh was beaten up, we're going to send him to the hospital."

"That's it, I'm coming back." She said, "No one hurts my triplets."

"Bell..." I said, "Josh's going to be fine, you still have classes tomorrow."

"To hell with the classes, he's my brother." She said, "Hey Yahoos, I'm going back."

"What?" Kiana said, "Are you insane, it's 9pm already."

"Josh's was beaten up." Bell said

"Say no more, we're driving, no way we're letting you drive while worrying about Josh." Katie told her, "Get some clothes, we're meeting at the car in 10 minutes."

"Thanks." I said, "Call me when you're back."

"No way I'm saying thanks to those Yahoos, they make my life miserable." Bella said, "Bye, I love you sis."

"Love you too." I said as I hang up.


"Did anyone of you call Pony?" Auntie A asks us

We look around, whistling.

"I'll do it." Helen said as she went out to make the call

"Is he going to be okay?" Paris asks

"He'll be fine, they didn't do any permanent damage to him." Auntie A sigh, "At least not physically."

"Ma's not happy." Helen walks in, "and will be here really quick. She call all of us yahoos, that's probably the worst phase we can see on Ma."

"I believe piss is the word you're looking for." Paris told her.

"Guys, we don't have time for this." Nolan stop them before they cause another fight.

I get it, everyone is tense.

"Now what?" Joey asks, "Wait, don't tell me, because I don't think I want to know."

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