
"Ma." I woke up to see Ma and Pa sitting beside my bed.

"Josh." Ma hugs me

"I'm sorry."

"For what? It's the twit that should be sorry, if I wasn't almost fifty, I would pick a fight with those people."

"And you wonder why my siblings get into trouble." I look at Pa, "Do you even realize who you married?"

"I know, I should had excepted this when Almost thirty years ago."

"Hey, don't talk like I'm not here." Ma said,

"Where's Bell?" I asks

"We send her and other two yahoos back down to Calgary, they still have school, beside, they'll be back in a week when it's Alex and Lizzy's wedding."

"Hey Josh." Eddy walks in, "I got you something that will makes your life a whole lot better."

He stops when he sees my parents, "Umm, hey boss, I'm just going to head out."

"Nah, you can stay, we're in here for too long." Ma said as she drag Pa out of the room, not before wink at me.

I can't believe it, Ma knows? But after giving it a thought, it's Pony Hope, she knows everything.

Eddy brought me a lemon pie, "I heard that you like them."

"Thanks." I smile, "It does make my days better."

"Kind of miss Bell and those two yahoos." I said

"I know, do you know that Bella just straight up throwing the punch that broke the guy's nose?"

"I do not know that."

"Well, Helen's like the Hulk and Ethan's like the black widow, too bad you didn't saw it, Helen takes on 5 people on her own, she was hella mad. Remind me not to piss her off."

"First, I learn that living in the same roof as her for 19 years." I said, "Second, didn't you piss her off lots when you were still in high school?"

"Well, back then I did it you make your brother-in-law jealous, you know Tommy the idiot and their plan."

"Unfortunately, I was his roommate and I have to listen to those two talk about it over the phone instead of go over or text. Do you know what it feels like to eavesdropping, but you didn't want to hear anything about it?"

"Might have an idea, I once walk into Eli and Bonnie doing it on the couch, trust me, it was not pretty."

We laugh, Eddy can always find ways to make me feel happy, I think that's the reason why I have a crush on him.

Then the nurse came to check me up, then she move to Lisa's bed, who I supposed was still unconscious.

"Miss, can you hear me?" I heard the nurse calls.

"Lisa's awake." I said as I trying to sit up, and Eddy help removing the curtain

"Lisa, are you okay?" I ask her from my bed, since I was limit on walking or other stuff.

She looks at me, confuse, "Who are you?"

"Lisa, look at me, I'm Josh, your best friend."

"I'm going to go grab a doctor." The nurse said

"Call Ethan." I said to Eddy, who pull out his phone

"So you know me?" Lisa look at me

"Yeah, do you want to know your name?" I ask


"Your name is Lisa Anderson, I'm Joshua Hope, but you can call me Josh." I smile

"And you say you are my best friend?"


"It's weird, I don't remember anything, but I think you're a good guy." She said

Eddy and I look at each other, this is not good.

Later, The Doctor explains to me that the memory loss is probably just temporary, but some also happen to other part of the brain.

I don't care, for me, they're all just brain damage.

But that means it'll take some time for her to recover, but the only not so good good new is, there's a very big chance that she might be fully recovered, like how it was before the attack.


Ethan walks in the room with Helen, "Hey Lisa." He smiles

"Josh, who is this."

"I'm your cousin Ethan, and this is my fiancée Helen, Josh's big sister."

"Okay, Hi Ethan and Helen, I'm Lisa."

"Should we call Vi?" He asks

"We should notify her, but the wedding will be next week, she'll be back by then." I said

"Who's Vi?" Lisa asks

"Vi is your other cousin, Ethan's little sister. Her name is Violet, but we call her Vi. She studied in the school that's in other city." I said

"Okay." She nodded

"I want to go pee." She said as she walk into the bathroom, "I'll be back."

After she went into the bathroom, I can't hold it any longer, tears streak down my cheeks.

"I know." Eddy hugs me, "I know."

"She's my best friend." I said, "I want to make them suffer."

"Me too brother, me too." Helen said

"They say love will fix everything, but she hasn't found her unconditional love." I said

"Well, not just that love, the love comes from family and friends also can heal." Helen said, "like when this twit broke my heart."

"..." Ethan give her a look,

"What? You can't denied it."

"You have to bring it up." Ethan said

"Well that's not the problem, I mean, all we can do know is stay with her, and hope she recover to who she used to be." Helen said

"Even if she's not who she used to be, I'm just happy that she's alive." I said.

"Did anyone have any food? I'm hungry." Lisa ask

"Well, I have some lemon pie, would you like some?" Eddy asks

"Yes, thank you." She smiles

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