"Wake up!" Helen was shaking me, "We're getting married today."

"I'll give you fifty buck if you let me sleep for another hour." I said as I push her away.


"Listen you twit, I'm not letting you sleep until an hour before our wedding, so get a shower, dry your hair and We'll head down to the salon which Grandpa Alex already booked for us."

"Hey, I'm also the bride, how come I can't get bridezilla on you?" I asked as I drag myself up.

"Since you're 20 minutes younger than me." Helen said as she starts pacing around the room.

Okay, this is not Helen, she's way too moody today, she's like Ma who didn't even cry during her period.



"Something not right with you, and don't try to fool me with the 'I'm just excited about the wedding' stuff."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Hey, I share a womb with you."

She whispered something in my ear.

"You know Pa's going to kill Ethan for that, right?"

"Well, what's new." She shrug, "Now go get ready."


Let's just skip to the ceremony, since I don't want to tell you all the details, my sis sure is moody.

"Hey sis." Bella looked at me, "Can't believe you two are getting married."

"Not to each other though."

"We know." They said as they starts to walk down the aisle.

"You ready?" I ask my sis

"Well, if you're not, we can run." She said

You know usually in a wedding, it's your dad and mom walk down the aisle with you like an oreo? The bride being the stuffed and parents being the cookie.

In our case, Pa is in the middle of us.

"If we didn't know it, people might thought we're giving you out." Helen said.

"Ha ha, real funny Helen." Pa rolled his eyes.

We're now at the end of aisle, and Ma's standing as a minster, so we 'hand him' to Ma.

"Take good care of Pa." I said

"Did that twenty five years ago." Ma smiled, "Now it's you two's turn."

Pa put Helen's hand into Ethan's, "Take care of her."

"Will do."

"I'm not worry about you." Pa said as he turn and put my hand into Nolan's.

"And you don't need to be in the future." Nolan said

"I know." Pa said as he stand back.

"Dearly beloved, we are gather here to get rid of both my oldest girls." Ma said, "I don't care if you two are changing your last name to James and Young, you'll always be Hope."

"Ma, make it short, Will ya?" Helen said

"Sure, do you got something to say?" Ma ask her

"Not really." She shrugs

"Really? Not even a 'I love you Ethan' 'I cannot wait to spent the rest of my life with you' or 'I been in love with you since I was 10 and I'm happy it works out'?" Ma asked her

"Ma, you just said everything I can say for me." She shrugs.

I can hear Double K and Bella snickering.

"We'll skip you." Ma said as she turn to Ethan, "Do you got something to say?"

"Well, since my bride didn't say anything to me, do you think I should say something to her?" Ethan asked

"That's fair." Ma said, then turn to me, "You better have something to say."

"Well, I..." I start, but I'm really nervous since Ma's glaring at me, and everyone's also staring at me too.

"According to everyone, I had this special bond with Nolan the moment I was born. He treats everyone like his own siblings, but everyone told me that he treats me more than that. And well, I thought they get the wrong mistake, until I accidentally eavesdropped on Helen and Nolan's talk once when I was 16. Then I decided to take my chance, and beside, back then he's serving in the military, so I figured if he rejected me, He might not even get the chance of coming back alive. Even thought we thought you were dead for three years, I can't move on because you are a part of me I don't want to let go. I'm so happy that you're alive and back, and I'm happy that I finally have my dreams come true, and I have you who I have a future with. I love you Nolan Young, I am now and I always will."

"That's beautiful." Ma said as she fake sniff, then turn to Nolan, "She give you something this pretty, you better come up with something about the same, or even better."

"Willow Hannah Hope." Nolan smiles at me, "I fall in love with you since the moment you were born, you give me your trust since you're a kid, and I know You and I always have this special bond, but I always thought you only look at me as a big brother you never had since the one you have is an idiot."

"Hey!" Tommy shouts

"Well, I can say that Helen is definitely our biggest shipper, since every time I tried to get her to confess to Ethan, she told me to confess to you. Anyway, I never except what happened four years ago will happen. And I'm sorry to left you in sorrow, but when I was lock up, you are the reason I was alive, you are the reason I didn't give up. Now that I'm back, I promise to never left you, and I'll always love you."

"Well this is indeed beautiful." Ma said, "Now get on to saying the I do."

"Ma, we all know that all four of us are going to say I do, you really need to ask?"

"Yes little me, geez, I wasn't even this moody when I was pregnant with you."

Both of us shot our head to her, "What?!"

"You think you can fool me missy? Think again." Ma give her a look, "Do you Anna take Christof, to be your truthfully wedded.."

"Wrong movie Ma." Helen and I said at the same time.

"Whatever." She said, "Do you two twits take the other twits to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Ethan and Nolan said

"Do you, I-Love-Ethan-but-I-don't-admit-it Helen take I-mess-everything-up-by-listen-to-Tommy-Hope Ethan, and you Willow, take Nolan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." We said

Then we exchange rings.

"Do you have something to say?" Ma asks us four.

"Hey Pa, I'm pregnant and you're going to be a grandpa." Helen shouts.


"Now I pronounce you as Husbands and Brides." Ma said as Pa stand up, "Kiss the bride and then get Ethan out of here."

Nolan pull me into a kiss, and we saw a Ethan running down the aisle with Pa hot on his heels.

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