"So what do you think?" I ask

"I think it's awesome." Helen said as she hugs me

"And I still got to plan your wedding." Ma said

Oh yeah, we decided to have a double wedding, so Helen's happy and Ma's happy.

It's a win-win

And I guess Pa have to walk both of us down the aisle, poor him.

"Hey." Nolan interlaced our finger, "It's New Year's Eve, I want to bring you somewhere."

"You do realize it's freezing out there, right?"

"Well, I want you too see this." He smiles


We get off of the car, "Where is this place?" We stop in front of a house.

It's a few block away from my parent's house, but it's still really near.

"It's our home." Nolan said, "I just bought it, and I think we can move in it after you graduate, you want to take a look?"

"Sure." I said

Well, there's a stairs before the porch, but We manage to do it.

"We really should buy a ramp at the front door." He said

"Yep." I laugh, "I'm not going to carry you like this, at least not when I'm pregnant."

It's a nice house, it's close to my parents, and I know Ethan's surprising Helen with a house that's right down the street.

I give Nolan a look

"Yeah, Ethan and I kind of planned this together." He shrugs, "I know how much you two meant for each other, and I know you two would like to live close."

"What do you think?" Nolan asks

"It's perfect." I said, "Although in the future if we can, I would like to have a chairlift for you, since our bedroom's in the second floor."

"That would be a fantastic idea." He smiles

There's six bedroom, including the masters. I think that's enough for all the kids, and some extra for storage.

And we even have an office on the first floor, it will be perfect for Nolan so he can write.

I can see little us running around, probably fighting, and Nolan will pull them into a hug, telling them how much he loves them.

Well, this will be the place where my dreams come true.

To have a family with Nolan.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Wanna bet?"

We laugh, it feels like we're us again.


We walk down to the house Ethan bought for him and Helen, and the lights are also on.

"Hey." I knock on the door,

"I see Nolan show you your house." Helen smiles

"And I see Ethan show you yours."

We look at each other, "Can you imagine what we will look like in the future?"

"Yeah, I can see Ma and Pa babysitting, Tommy trying to get Ma forgive him, and our kids grow up together." She said, "Maybe Bella will find someone, Josh will finally grow a ball to ask Eddy out. Double K and C will finally found someone that can handle their crazy, Alice will design our wedding dress, Double L will go and travel the world like they want to, Jace will marry our baby sister, Ruby probably going to find a girl, Joey will become a e-sports player for LOL, and Bri's going to design games. Everyone get's their happy ending,"

We look at our guys, and smile, "But no matter what, we'll have each other." I said.


I've spending lots of time with Lisa, because right now, I'm the only person she trust.

"I brought you doughnuts." She smile as she hands me a bag a doughnuts.

"Thanks." I said, "Dress warmly, I want to bring you somewhere."


"It's a surprise."

We get on Helen's Car, yeah she'll be piss, but what's new?

We come to a place near the river, Eddy and Ruby already help us setting up.

"A picnic?" She asks

"Even better." Ruby said

Right now is 11:55 already, and we chat until it's time.

"Ten, nine, eight," we starts to count, "...three, two, one! Happy new year!" Fire works from the building in a distance, we laugh and take pictures.

"Happy new year, Lisa." I smile

"Happy new year, bestie." She smile, haven't seen she smile like this in a while, "Thank you."

"What about us?" Ruby asks her

"Meh, thanks." She shrugs

"That's better." Ruby laugh as she took a selfie with her, "What's your new year resolution?"

"To get back my memories, or make more memories, if I can have both will be awesome." She smiles

"Well, no matter what happen, you got us." Ruby said, "How about we make some memories just us, we can go shopping." Then she whispers something at Lisa

Lisa think for a second, "Sure, we can go shopping." She smiles then look at me and Eddy, "And maybe you two will get it together."

I'm stunned, I wasn't expecting that.

I look at Eddy and he looks at me.

"Uh." We said at the same time

"You go first." He said

"Well, I'm not sure what I want to say is what you want to hear, so you can go first." I said

"The same applies goes to me."

"Guys, remember what Willow said to Adri when he kissed Josie?" Ruby said, "Three words: 'I like you' at this rate, you two will never get it together."

I'm pretty sure I'm like a tomato right now


I look at those two who are just gazing into each other's eyes, you would thought someone used Za Warudo (pause the time, yes I know I've watching to much anime, but can you blame me?) on them, because no one has been saying anything.

Well, what can I say, it's a funny moment but let leave the girls here to deal with it.

I grab Lisa's hands and pull her away.

"Do you think they'll finally confess?" I ask her

"I hope so, they are both good guys." She said.

We look at them, really concern, because we either screw this up or we didn't.

I hope it's the second one.

I saw Josh just rambling, not sure what it's about, until Eddy pull him into a kiss.

"Yeah us," I said as Lisa and I high five each other, "We beat Helen to it."

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