
"Hey sis." I sit down beside Ruby, the wedding couples are dancing on the dancing floor, and well, there're people asking others to dance. I figured I'll asked some poor girl later.

"Shouldn't you go and find someone to harass?" She ask

"What about you? Shouldn't you also find a girl to harass too?" I ask

She choose to ignore me.

"What?" I nudge her, "What are you worry about?"

What people didn't know, is that Ruby was played before by a girl in uni, I think that's why she's really worry. But to be honest, even if Lisa still has her memories, I know she would never hurt her.

"Don't lost your trust in love because of one girl." I said, "Aunt P always says 'every relationship that goes wrong, is just a lesson that had been taught to you so you know what to do when the right one comes.'"

"Auntie P is wiser than dad in most way." She said as I laugh.

"What do you mean most ways?" Well speaking of the devil.

"Hey Dad." We said at the same time

"Why do you think I'm wiser then P in most way?" He give us a look

"Because it's true K, your light is not that bright anymore." Aunt P walks up with mom.

"Hey! My light is still brighter than yours." He said

"Wanna bet?" She gives him a look

"Maybe not." He hide behind mom.

Chicken, but we all know it's just dad didn't want to argue with Aunt P, so he let her be.

"Red." Aunt P sits down on the other side of Ruby, "Get the girl or lives in regret, pick one."

"I don't know."

"Imagine one day is Lisa's wedding, you saw her with another girl, they're standing in front of the minster and..."

"Stop." My sis look up,

"Well, if you don't get the girl, you're going to live in the pain you're feeling like forever." I said, "So what do you say? Get the girl or let the girl go?"

"Oh shut up." She playfully shove me and stand up, "I love you bro."

"Love you too sis."

"And I have no idea what happened here, but I love you both." Bri shows up behind me.


"Hey." I sit down beside Lisa

"Hey." She smiles,

"Do you want to dance?" I ask

"I can't dance." She said as we walk into the dance floor.

"I'll teach you." I told her as the music starts.

We starts to dance, "So have you taken interest in anyone here?"

"Yeah." She said, "I'm not sure she likes me back though."

"Well, me too, and I really want to talk to that girl about it, but then I figured maybe not."

Then she trip over her dress, and I catches her, "Although it's good to see you falling for me, but I think is way too soon."

She laughs as we stand back up. After what happened, she stop the school for one year, so I haven't seen her that often.

"Okay, this is going way too slow." Helen said as she push Lisa to me, and our lips connected.

I put my hand behind her, well at least she's not backing away, so it's a good sign.

After we pulled apart, Helen give both of us a look, "Let's just cut to the chase, You like her, she likes you, so ask Lisa on a date next Thursday when she doesn't have a shift, and I'll give Ruby your address so she can pick you up. Geez, by the time you two are finished, my children already goes to university."

"Helen, this is not the way it works." Ethan says, "you gotta let them figure their way out, like us."

"First, I rather have someone stick their foot into our relationship. Second, I'm pregnant and hormonal, so sue me."


"Fine." She groan, "lets turn back the time to where you guys are as slow as a turtle, then pertain I didn't show up."

She dragged Ethan away

We look at each other, "So you want to go on a date?" I ask, "I can pick you up on Thursday."

"Sure." She laughs, "I like you, Ruby, a lot."

"I like you too."


"Look at them." I said to Helen, "They were doing good, why do you stick a foot in it?"

"They can do better." Helen said

We hear laughters, then turn to see Bella and Bridgette dancing around.

"Well, looks like that's the only Hope that hasn't found someone." Helen said

"You're not sticking your foot into her relationship." I said,

"I won't, but I'm not sure if Ma will."

"That's what I'm worrying about." I said, "and our life didn't end here."

"Well, I'm sure that the little ones we're having are not letting us off easily, consider what we have done to Pa and Ma."

"What 'you' done Helen." I correct her, "I'm an excellent child."

"Oh yeah? Because bombing Ma and Pa about living with Nolan since you were 2 is what a good kid does."

"Shut up." We laugh.

Nolan push himself over, and pull me into a kiss, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." I smile and look at my husband

"I love you, Willow Young." He said as we left the building.

"I love you too."

Well, as you can see, my life has ups and downs, I experienced love, heartbreak, grieve. And everyday we deal with new things, either cause by my family, or others. But for Nolan and I, our everlasting love will never fade, even if a million year past.

The End

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