Three years later

"Will!" Helen waves her hands in front of my face.

"What?" I ask

"We're going back home, today's the younger one's graduation." Helen said, "You didn't forget right?"


We're in our junior year of University, Almost all of us go to the one our parents go, like us, but there are always exceptions.

Like Ashton, Tommy, and Vi went to Eastern Canada, Double C are both in B.C. Bella and Double K are planning on going down to Southern Alberta, and Alice's somewhere in Europe.

"Is everyone coming back?" I ask

"Yeah, Ma pick all of them up at the airport," Helen said,

All of us, that includes Eddy, Ethan, Helen, Adrien, Alex, Eric, Lia, Ruby, Lilia, Lawrence and I rent a house together, and we share the cost. Since we all go to the same uni.

Next year when Josh, Paris, Jace and Joey moves in, it would be more crowded, good thing Eric, Lia, and Ethan will be out next year.


"Coming," I said walk to the garage, Helen's already waiting for me.


We arrive at the place that holds graduation, but before we go in, I feel like I was glued to the ground.


"I can't do this," I whisper, the memories of last time I was here are coming back to me

"Will, You can. It's our sibling's grads, we can't miss it."

"I know."

"Deep breath." Helen instructs me, "Happy place."

We walk in there, hands in hands. Helen's always there when I need her, she helped me through a lot for the past three years.

And you know, it's still graduation, it's boring.

I look at my younger siblings who beams happily as they walk on the stage and get their diploma.

"They're planning something." Helen whispers

"I can tell," I said.

After the ceremony come to an end, I heard a familiar voice shouting from the PA system.



Every Balloon that is floating in the sky exploded with tons of glitters and ribbons falls from above.

And the banner that used to have "Grade 12 Graduation" is now switched to the other side that has "Congratulation for surviving Hell, and We'll never see you again!"

Well, we leave our seats and walk to where our younger siblings are.

"Is that really necessary?" I ask

"Well, you know how people say it's either 'go big or go home', but we decide to do both," Kiana said

"Here comes the adult." Tommy snickers, "Good luck with going home."

"Okay, tell me one thing," Ma asks the younger triplets.


"Did my dad planned this or did you guys did?"

"Grandpa Jake did." Everyone said at the same time, I have a feeling they probably just had Grandpa Jake helps him, but now they just throw him under the bus.

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