It's mid-September now, let me tell you, with Nolan here keeping everyone on our toe, our parents are more confortable letting us living on our own.

But something always happens, and when I say something, it's usually cause by Uncle Luke's offspring.

"Lizzy?" I ask as Helen and I sit down beside her in the coffeehouse, "What's up?"

"Willow, this is not good, this is so not good." She keeps repeating the same word, "I'm going to get kick out of my parents house, I'm going to end up with myself, no one will ever want me." She has tears down her cheeks, and she looks really unstable.

"Whoa, Stop." Helen said, "What happened?"

She hands us two sticks with a positive sign on it,

"Oh, My God." Helen and I said at the same time.

"Whose the Dad?" I ask

"I can't say." She said, "He doesn't even likes me."

"How did this happened." Helen asks

"I was drunk." She said, "I was in a club, and I was really sad that day, and then he was also there, so then it just happened."

"Who is this he?" I ask, "Lizzy, you gotta tell us."

"We promise we won't tell anyone." Helen said

"Fine." She sigh, "It's Alex."

"ALEX?" Both of us look at each other and did a double take, "Our cousin Alex?"

"I'm not surprised." Helen said, "Considering who his dad is, no wonder he doesn't know what a freaking condom is."

"He's going to be so dead." I said, "Uncle Luke and Aunt Rose are not going to be happy."

"I can't tell him." Lizzy said,

"See Liz, this is the part you're wrong, it take two to tango." Helen said, "He has the right to know."

"But I'm going to become a burden to him." She said, "My parents are going to kick me out, and I'm not able to finish uni..."

"Hold up there, you can, we'll paid for you, just remember to give it back after you got a work." Helen said

"Yeah, Helen and I will help, we can share the cost, and if you feel bad, just come and work in the bakery like Eddy did back then." I said

"Thanks." She hugs us, "Can't find a friend better than you two."

"That's because we're awesome." Helen said

"And you ruin it." I said


"What am I supposed to said to him?" Lizzy asks, we're now in our rental, and Alex is not home yet, he has classes so we're waiting for him.

"I don't know, just tell him." I shrugs.

"How, I'm not going to just walk up and tell him 'Hey Alex, Remember that night at the club when we're super drunk and we ended up having sex? You actually forgot your freaking condom and now I'm pregnant with your demon spawns, and you can be as involved as you want.' I can't just said that!"

"What?" We turned to see Alex looking at us, shocked.

"I think you just did." Helen said

"Thanks for stating the obvious sis." I whisper

"You're pregnant?" Alex asks


"You're pregnant,"


"Ellie," Alex stutter, "How...what...why..."

"Do that for another hour, and then cry for one, you might be just where I am now," Lizzy gives him a look.

He just froze right there.

"Glad to know you're supportive." Lizzy said as she walk out.

"I'll deal with this one, go talk to Liz," Helen said

"I got this." I said, and I just open Nolan's door,

"Willow! You knock before you come in!"

"No time for that, you need to talk to Lizzy." I said as I push him out of the room, "Alex knock her up."

"What?" He looks at me, "What the heck!"

"No time for that!"


We found her by the park, "Lizzy."

"Willow, I'm going to end up alone." She cried,

"Don't worry, no matter what you choose, we'll always be with you," I give her a hug, "Give him time, he's just a bit shock."

"What if he doesn't want me?"

"Hey, it's Alex, he's an idiot like his dad, but he'll always wants you. Even if he doesn't, you'll have us."

"It's not just that."

"What?" I ask

"I like him," She said, "I don't know Since when, but the feeling's there, now if he got together with me, it's just because of guilt or responsibility, I'll never know what he thinks."

"What if you just ask." Alex said as he show up behind us, "You never ask, you never know."

"Alex," She tries to say something, but Alex pull her into a kiss.

"Ellie, I like you, I never told you this is because I was afraid if you don't have the same feeling, I'm going to end up losing you."

"Looks like everything turns out fine." I said.

"And remember, not that I don't like to help, knock before you come into my room." Nolan said as he push himself away, "Besides, you guys don't need me anymore, you can handle these stuff on your own."

"I'll go talk to him." I said


"Can I come in?" I knock on Nolan's door

"Sure." I open to see him on his bed

I sit down beside him, "Hey, you know, you're always going to be wanted."

"Good to know I'll get hunt down by police."

I laugh

"It just feels like you guys don't need me anymore, like you guys already get used to those three years I'm not here, and now I'm just extra."

"That's not true." Helen walks in, follow by almost everyone

"Knock, people, knock." Nolan said

"Nolan, we'll always need you, but just like our parents, we grow up and sometimes you gotta let go." Lilia said

"Beside, even if no one wants you, Willow will always need you, just a different way than us." Josh said, wiggle his brows.

I throw a pillow at him, "Shut up."

"We'll leave you alone." Paris said as all of them leave the room.

"He's right though." I said when they all leave, "I'll always need you."

"I love you Will."

"I love you too." I smiles as I give him a kiss.

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