
"Happy birthday!" People open up my door, and then I saw shower with ribbons and confetti.

"Can you people knock?" I ask, "Beside, You disrupt my sleep. Why can't you go harass Helen?"

"We want to, but she spent the night at Ethan's." Bella said as she jump on me, "Get up, get up, get up."

"Happy birthday Will." I sit up to come face to face with Nolan

I grin widely at him, "Thanks."

"Oh god, the old Willow's back." Kiana mock me, "I'm Willow Hope and I'm hopelessly in love with Nolan, I want to marry him one day, I'll wear the dress design by Alice, have my Ma plan my wedding, and we'll have tons of kids, and we'll bury together."

"I do not sound like that." I said

"Yeah you do sound like that." Katie said

"I would suggest you both run." Paris look a those two

"We're not afraid." Kiana shrugs

"Don't say we didn't warn you." Josh said as I launch out of my bed,

"I'm going to beat you two up!"

"I see why Ma likes to beat Uncle Kyle up now." Bella said


It's been a few months, and well, we got an unwanted alarm at 3 in the morning.


"Who disrupt my sleep?" Helen yelled, well, if you aren't awake at first, you definitely are awake now.


It's coming from the first floor, I walked down the stairs as Helen push me out of the way, that cause me to hit the wall.

Now I'm definitely awake. Remind me never wake Helen up in the middle of the night, she is in full rage right now.

"Hey cus, what's up?" I ask Alex who was carrying a bag.

"The babies." He said as he runs into the garage.

"Did you call your mom?"

"No time for that."

That's why my friend, Alex wasn't Aunt Rose's favourite.

"Here sis, you make the call, and I'll drive." Helen hand her phone to me, and she yells at the top of her lungs, "Come on you all twits, get your ass up! Little Alex's are here."

I heard lots of people groan.


"Why aren't you in here?" I look at my cousin.

"She tried to choked me." He gave me a look, "I want to stay alive."

"Shouldn't you talk some sense into her?" I asked

"It's like waking up Helen right now, do you want to do that?" He gestured to my sister, who is napping on a pile of chairs

"Hell no, She'll actually kill me." I give him a look

"Alex." Aunt Rose walks in with Uncle Luke, who walks in with Aunt Faith and Ma.

"Hey Mom, Dad, Aunt Faith, and Aunt P."

"Why aren't you in there?" Ma asked him

"She tried to kill me."

"Well, she's still your wife." Uncle Luke said, "so get your ass in there."

"Uh Luke, if I recall, you weren't in the room when the triplets are out." Aunt Faith said

"Well, I also remember that Crocus was here calming your sister down."

"Eric's in there." Alex shrug, "I don't see my wife trying to kill him. Don't worry, I'm going in there real quick."

We just look at him, I feel bad from Liz.

"Where's my sis." We saw Eli walking towards us, "Why aren't you in there?" He give Alex a look

"If I get money every time someone asks me that question, I'll be rich." He said

Eli give him a look, not amuse.

"I'll get in there." Alex bolted into the room.

"Like Father, like son." Ma said

"Shut up." Luke give her a look.


"We got a boy and two girls." We walk in to see Lizzy lay on the bed, holding her boy, while Eli and Eric have the girls.

"You did good." Alex smile as he kissed Lizzy's forehead.

"What's their name?" Helen ask her

"What else? Alex." Alex said

"What about other two?" I ask

"What about other two? I just told you their name."

"You're naming them Alex, Alex and Alex?" Uncle Luke give him a look.

"Oh no you don't." Eli said, "No way I'm letting you torture those poor kids."

"Lizzy?" Helen asked


"You guys are not naming all three of them Alex." Aunt Rose said

"I wish you guys giving that speech before the nurse asked for their name." Lizzy smile nervously

"Liz!" Helen and I exclaimed

"What? I was tired, so I let Alex handle it." Well, we can see that, since her eyelids are half-closed.

"Alex, you are coming out with me so I can beat the hell out of you." Helen said as she drag Alex out of the room.

"Don't break anything because he needs to take care of the kids." Lizzy said, "Otherwise, go ahead."


"He did what?" Bella asked incredulously

"Name all of the kid after him." Kiana repeat it to her  loudly, "Haven't you been listening?"

"Haven't you been listening?" Katie give her a look, "I can't believe Alex would do that to those innocent children."

"Well he did, and now we have way too many Alex in the family." I said.

"Why did he do that?" Chris sigh, "Don't torture those kids with his name."

"Well, it's your brother, we pretty much expect him from it." Helen said.

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